Why for all the disbelievers and so called double accounters, etc. does WGT not set up a worldwide live competition, just as say Poker Stars does
Set up a venue in major towns, cities, all over the world and charge an entry fee and of course offer real prize money. Have prizes for all Tier levels and every entrant comes to the venue, registers and plays his game live in front of real judges.
That way there can be no illegal software help, everybody plays on the same type of PC and the so called fantastic super players who steal most of the ready gos wont even bother to show up.
The winner from every town or city would then go onto a national final say in the most major city in that country and then from that go onto the Worldwide final.
I do not think it would be that difficult to organise if almost every other sport can manage to do it.
Just a suggestion, I know I would attend for sure