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For the sandbagger police.

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Wed, Jul 21 2010 1:51 PM (45 replies)
  • shakyjon
    87 Posts
    Fri, Jul 16 2010 6:03 AM

    I had this problem in a game yesterday, and I just need to put it to the public.  I know that there's a problem with people sandbagging and keeping their averages artificially high.  But that doesn't mean you should jack up the best game a person ever played because you can't believe that they might just be having an unnaturally good one.


    Case in point:

    I have never posted a score in the sixties.  Not in stroke play by myself; not in stroke play with others; not in tournaments.  I have had a 33 once at St. Andrews in a 9 hole round, but that's the best I have ever gotten.   

    I played a 9 hole matchplay against someone yesterday evening on the back nine of St. Andrews.  I birdied 10-13 and hit eagle on 14.  So after 5 holes, if it were stroke play, would have had me sitting at minus six.  I kept sinking putt after putt in total disbelief.  My eagle putt dropped from 36 feet.  In this guy's defense, it's a little hard to believe, since I have a 73.28 average.  At the same time, he never once checked my score history when I said, "check my profile." 

    My point is, if you're going to accuse someone of sandbagging, at the very least, confirm it with score history.  To accuse everyone of cheating when you may just be playing against someone who's hitting the game of his life is essentially called being a sore loser.  It completely ruined the best game I have yet to play on here, all because someone can't figure that someone's having an outstanding round; more outstanding than he has ever had.  If you are going to accuse someone, at least see if they hit in the low 60s on a routine basis in tournaments for credits and high in everything else.

  • griffygriff
    597 Posts
    Fri, Jul 16 2010 6:43 AM

    congratulations on your 33 shakyjon, the guy you played was just a sore loser as you pointed out. As you also pointed out a sandbagger shots 60 or 27 in a tournament followed by a 45 and 92 when there's no credits on the line. You might want to turn your sensitive button up, point being thousands of winners everyday get called names by the players they just defeated, and if everyone reported it on this forum there be no room for other more interesting issues ( like constructive sarcasm, lol)

  • shakyjon
    87 Posts
    Fri, Jul 16 2010 12:10 PM

    I'm hoping this is the only post of its kind.  I've seen a lot of complaints about sandbagging and wanted to inform people that someone having a great round could be just that.  Just to put it out there.

  • lilrob88
    870 Posts
    Fri, Jul 16 2010 1:00 PM


    errrrrrr....... (insert sigh here)

    your score history is how you cover up sandbagging.... so looking at a score history is completely useless....

    If youre playing mpc i recomend looking at someons match play record, not their stroke average or score history



  • kissfanpdx
    84 Posts
    Fri, Jul 16 2010 3:58 PM


    I have been a pro for almost two yrs now, and believe me, i have had my share of sandbagging accusations.  I pretty much take it as a compliment and move on, because i have found one common theme, they are usually the same group of guys, or "sandbagging police" if you will, and they are master level players.  So a couple things come to mind, ONE: they are either playing a pro with a high average, or an amature , and if that amature was a sandbagger, what does that say about a master level player thinking he has found an easy pigion?  TWO:  Iv'e said this a thousand times, a master level player should fear NO ONE on this site, NO ONE.  You have to get around a 65 ave to be at master level , and the best players on this site are in the high 50's (which i still find amazing to be that consistant)  so there is not a huge margin between the best and the worse master level player.   The best advice I can give anyone, is if your unsure about a player , just play them for a buck, if you got sandbagged, your out a buck, and dont play them again, that is what i usually do, I have found only one so far that made me suspicious, (took me two rounds and 4 bucks, but im a slow learner what can i say)   and that is out of probably over 300 matches played, i havent looked just guessing.  I dont think its as big of a problem as people make it out to be.   I also think the country clubs are a good idea too, keeps friends all together and can monitor that stuff.   ...have a good day

  • shakyjon
    87 Posts
    Fri, Jul 16 2010 7:19 PM

    For clarity, it was regular match play... no credits at stake.


    For more clarity, I was just essentially blowing off steam.  I hold very strictly to Christian values, which means no cheating.  You can call  me anything, but saying essentially that I am cheating really irks me.  Thanks for the replies, folks.  I had no idea that my score history was useless.  It makes me think more on the other guy's position.

  • marioh
    1,055 Posts
    Fri, Jul 16 2010 7:51 PM


    You have to get around a 65 ave to be at master level , and the best players on this site are in the high 50's (which i still find amazing to be that consistant)  so there is not a huge margin between the best and the worse master level player.   

    There's actually a pretty large gap between the top master players and the worst due to players cherry picking their rounds and making the master tier before they're ready.

    Overall though, I gotta agree.   The only reason why sandbagging somewhat bugs me is due to the sandbaggers taking advantage of other legit Pro tier players in MPC and winning credits in the various tournies (which also takes away from other Pro tier players).   I don't worry about sandbaggers since I don't play MPC against lower tier players and certainly don't worry about them in the RG's.

  • smason77
    464 Posts
    Fri, Jul 16 2010 10:58 PM

    So let me get this straight.. you guys are basically blaming sandbagging on masters... and not on pros who have been "pros" for two years? How the hell do you stay pro for two years..

    Oh and not one player on here makes a conscious choice to become "master". That's all up to WGT.

    I doubt most of you have any idea as to how foolish you actually sound.

  • x1524807
    776 Posts
    Sat, Jul 17 2010 5:18 AM


    asters... and not on pros who have been "pros" for two years? How the hell do you stay pro for two years..

    You do that by simply not buying upgrades. If you will look at the so called masters, they have one thing in common---upgrade clubs and a putter that makes 60 ft ers look like 3 ft ers. The only difference between a master and a pro are the clubs. So now, write me nasty notes

  • kissfanpdx
    84 Posts
    Sat, Jul 17 2010 6:59 AM

    No, not blaming master players for sandbagging.  What i was saying is, the only people i ever hear complain about sandbaggers are master level players.   It is usually right after they got beat, and are all buttsore about it.   I just dont have any sympathy for a master level player crying about sandbagging.  As far as how can i be pro for almost two yrs?  Im guessing inconsistant play, bad putting, course management, club selection, ....perhaps i need a different mouse, faster computer,  Im sure its a combination of many things, but the bottom line is, i play to get the best score EVERY time i play, not sometimes, not here and there, but EVERYTIME i play, no exception.  So form your own opinion from there.    .