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Graphics suggestions

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Thu, Apr 11 2013 11:10 AM (6 replies)
  • Brigs81
    4 Posts
    Wed, Apr 10 2013 4:52 PM

    Hello, first post here.  I just thought I would throw out some graphics suggestions that I would like to see that aren't on the list. 

    •  Would like to see HD pictures for the courses instead of the current ones because   they are so pixelated and not very sharp when you maximize to full screen.  Same for the avatars, very blurry and pixelated.


    • On Kiawah Island there is NO water animations like on the other courses, just static water.  Would like to see you implement this on Kiawah.

    The game is great and I enjoy it except for these few things.  :)

  • bubbadork
    984 Posts
    Wed, Apr 10 2013 6:03 PM

    Each stroke course is 1000s of photos. You want them to spend the money shooting them over instead of shooting new courses? Further, animating the water consumes cpu cycles and is a very bad idea for those people who are already enduring meter stutter.

    Frankly, if you find the graphics too pixelated you have extra superior vision or you are playing on your 54" TV screen, or similar.

    Strictly my personal opinion. You are entitled to your own, even if it's wrong.

  • Brigs81
    4 Posts
    Wed, Apr 10 2013 7:36 PM

    I just like really really sharp graphics, and that's MY personal opinion....  I am playing on 1680 x 1050  22" monitor, not terribly big...  I just knew I would get a post like this.

    5,835 Posts
    Wed, Apr 10 2013 7:42 PM

    hey are so pixelated and not very sharp when you maximize to full screen.  Same for the avatars, very blurry and pixelated.


    I dont find that at all. 
    Perhaps your own resolution could be tweaked.

    Or maybe use a different browser, Maxthon has a brilliant full screen and the graphics render very sharply. 

    Kiawah is not the only course that doesnt have animated water.

  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Thu, Apr 11 2013 9:31 AM


    hey are so pixelated and not very sharp when you maximize to full screen.  Same for the avatars, very blurry and pixelated.


    I dont find that at all. 
    Perhaps your own resolution could be tweaked.

    Me either, 1600 x 1200  22" diagonal, IPS screen, with Flash Quality set to Medium.

    When I play I turn off "Reflections" too.

    Right click on image to open in a new window:

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Thu, Apr 11 2013 10:50 AM

    Use the fullscreen in your browser not the in game option, graphics stay sharp.

  • borntobesting
    9,774 Posts
    Thu, Apr 11 2013 11:10 AM


    Use the fullscreen in your browser not the in game option, graphics stay sharp.

    Bet that's it. He is playing with WGT's crappy full screen.