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Dream clubs for slow meter lovers.

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Wed, Apr 17 2013 4:34 AM (12 replies)
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  • F0GEY
    5 Posts
    Fri, Apr 12 2013 1:49 PM

    Great reflexes are not a universal commodity. Some of us struggle in that respect, and for them there is little club selection, especially in higher tiers. It would be nice to see at long last a Raptures L48 alternative, with same meter speed and forgiveness, but slightly greater distance, precision, and spin, and slightly higher loft. They could be as follows:

    - driver, 265y

    - wood, 235y

    - hybrid, 220y

    - irons, 205y-110y

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Fri, Apr 12 2013 5:08 PM

    At level 58 , you have the G20s . I do understand what you are saying. You want a higher level set of Raptures. Around level 52+ to keep the zing in your game . The Raptures are great clubs. I used them from Pro-Tour Pro , and then I moved up to the 58+ G20s , once I got to that level. It wont happen though , but you can upgrade to a better ball. Try the Srixon 11+ ball , only 180 credits a sleeve. Its a good ball , or you can get a WGT ball , with 1 dot of feel and that will slow the meter some more. The more dots of feel, the slower the meter. Happy Swinging

  • Choppography
    2,166 Posts
    Fri, Apr 12 2013 7:00 PM

    I thought I could handle faster meters, but now that I don't play as regularly, the G20s are outstanding for me...even at legend.  I leave a few shots out there from 200+, and would like a higher trajectory on BPB and OLY, but honestly, my avg. didn't go down with the Bladez.  In fact, it went up a little.

  • F0GEY
    5 Posts
    Fri, Apr 12 2013 8:11 PM

    I very well know the options mentioned, but they change absolutely nothing to my initial suggestion, which have much greater appeal to me. And I venture to think that I am far from alone. The Raptures L48 are indeed wildly popular because their meter speed is the most manageable. Even more than the G20's.

    I am absolutely convinced that my dream clubs would be a huge success and bring considerable additional revenue to wgt, as they would likely be sold at a high price.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Fri, Apr 12 2013 10:11 PM

    There is a real risk of making the game too easy if slower high level clubs were brought out. The game has to be paid for so the slower meter balls are available at a high price to go with the faster meter clubs.

  • adtjoel
    124 Posts
    Sat, Apr 13 2013 12:51 AM

    Great reflexes are not a universal commodity.

    It's not universally common to be as fast as Usain Bolt - that what makes him better than everbdy else?


    Some of us struggle in that respect, and for them there is little club selection, especially in higher tiers.

    A massive part of this game is hitting the ball cleanly - getting close to the ding on every shot.

    What you are suggesting is basically making the game easier for higher tier players which will effecitively kill the competitive side of the game.

    The whole idea is that it is more difficult when you move up and there is enough scope to sort out the best payers from the rest - not that it gets easier.

    if you want a slower meter speed pick a ball with more feel.

  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Sat, Apr 13 2013 2:47 AM

    I agree with the above 2 posts, you can't expect slow meter clubs that hit long, are accurate and have good forgiveness.  The game would become a joke and everyone would get bored with birdie, birdie, birdie, ooh eagle, birdie, ad nauseam.  The best clubs have faster meters because there needs to be a risk element in the game, risk/reward is what makes life interesting after all.

    And they wouldn't make money for WGT, far from it.  Players buy expensive balls that slow the meter down in order to play with good clubs, these balls wear out, get lost and have to be replaced.  Clubs last forever, at least until you get the chance to buy the new, turbo charged version.   I have no idea what the actual figures are but I'd be surprised if WGT gets less than 70% of it's income from ball sales.

    I know it must really suck if you don't have the reflexes to hit the ding regularly.  It probably also feels like that for the middle field players in the world of real golf, that's just the way it is, not everyone can be great at it.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sat, Apr 13 2013 3:13 AM

    I'm young but I don't hit the ding very often either, but I get by as a mediocre Legend. Getting the distances right is just as important as dinging.

  • bhoese
    679 Posts
    Sat, Apr 13 2013 7:36 PM

    Those who are arguing against the OP are missing an important point:  Players with those clubs still wouldn't be as good as the players who can ding the R11s just as often.  His example still comes up well short of the best clubs in distance and precision, and I'm assuming they wouldn't have as much spin, either.  

    Ball sales wouldn't necessarily be hurt.  There probably is a large number of players who would need both the slow-meter clubs and the slow-meter balls in order to hit the ding fairly often.  Most players budget a certain amount for the game, and they wouldn't decrease their spending for the same results in a different package - they'd spend just as much and improve.  They might even spend more just because the opportunity exists to buy better clubs that actually fit their game.

  • TracyMax
    2,361 Posts
    Sat, Apr 13 2013 8:15 PM


    I very well know the options mentioned, but they change absolutely nothing to my initial suggestion, which have much greater appeal to me. And I venture to think that I am far from alone. The Raptures L48 are indeed wildly popular because their meter speed is the most manageable. Even more than the G20's.

    Having said this, I should add to my initial suggestion that my dream clubs would also have slightly greater precision (three dots) than the said Raptures L48. I am absolutely convinced that such clubs would be a huge success and bring considerable additional revenue to wgt, as they would likely be sold at a high price.

    I used Raptures clear up to Master. They are good solid clubs, that said, I've found the G-20's the best balance of distance and accuracy vs. meter speed.

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