SHRUDE:Have you tried, loading the game client, creating a game and entering the minimum tier you want in 'player rank' and then click to add - 'anyone' or 'best match'?
Yes of course I have but that way doesn't give 'You' the choice of player you're searching for. You have to pick or choose which player the Computer gives you. Which is less efficient, could waste more time and can also cause even more players getting angry if you don't pick them and there's far too much of 'that' going on already. ;) Which, in turn, can make it even more frustrating because you only get to see One player at a time and sometimes you may never find a match you want, doing it that way. At least, when you can easily glance over a full page of players at a time, it's actually much easier to find the match-up you're looking for, IMO.
But the excuse given to me, from someone at WGT I think it was; is that it would take up way too much more server space or something like that? Which is nonsense IMO because their server Must Already Be Massive and though I'm not a programmer, I don't think it would take much more effort or space to show an entire Tier of players? What's 'a few more pages' in the scheme of things that is already a Giant Server? :)