Oldstir:IMO, it is abhorrently
pathetic when I find that certain members of this game site cannot even carry
on a civil dialogue in the Forum but rather choose only to purposely
express their hate toward another human being for no reason whatsoever.
You have described your unreasonable retorts in this thread perfectly.
You have been nothing but rude, arrogant and downright vile to EVERYONE who has offered to help.
& you call yourself religious. Shame on you.
Folks have been offering you solutions of which you seem to have no intention of trying or wanting to hear. All of these solutions adequately discover online players within a cetain tier for you to play against.
It is obvious, however that you are looking for a particular player or type of player. Which you have chosen not to specify.
With all your bleating and babbling about wasting time, it seems you are asking WGT to spoon feed you in an area that obviously no one cares for.
By all means , illustrate what it is in a player that you are seeking to find? Child? Female? Gay?
I have reported your previous multiple duplicated posts to WGT breaking the guidelines of Harrassment and Spam.
In the meantime, perhaps you and your plethora of willing and supportive country club members can help you come out from whatever chip you have on your shoulder and enjoy the game for what it is.