i searched to see if there was a previous thread on this because i don't think i would be the first person to ask this. could it be possible for WGT to sell single balls. having limited funds i usually purchase the cheaper balls. i have on occasion purchased medium priced balls and used them sparingly. to have the ability to purchase a single high quality ball for a specific tourney , RG , or just get the feel of them would be great. i think it may even lead to future sales of these balls . ball prices are just too much for some players !! just an idea.
First, Nice gesture Srellim and Renn.
But for selling single balls as I see it, that might cause problems. Say you buy 1 ball and when you start your round you don't click on the ball warning that you are down to your last ball to buy balls and then lose it. Then you would be stuck playing with the free ball for the rest of the round.
Also if they didn't change the last ball warning with an option to buy 1 ball or a sleeve and you clicked on it ,you would buy a sleeve and I'm not sure what would happen if you clicked on it and didn't have enough credits to buy a sleeve. Unexpected error maybe.