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Putting Challenge

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Sun, Apr 21 2013 1:48 PM (7 replies)
  • twichipper
    424 Posts
    Sat, Apr 20 2013 4:34 PM

    I ejoy the concept of he PCHL, but it would be nice to include mybe 2-3 more in rotation. I know tere was a different one when the challenge first came out,. How come it is not used anymore?

    My suggestion would be to have 4 of them so one course se up could be played each week and possible have a tourney out odf them for the month. With the addition of the last three courses, i would Imagine there could be some extremely interesting holes to use, and also varied green speeds woud be a real twist to them.

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Sat, Apr 20 2013 6:00 PM


    that's a good idea. I think the first one is a bit easier than other, so maybe that's why. i'll check into it.


  • TracyMax
    2,361 Posts
    Sat, Apr 20 2013 9:01 PM



    that's a good idea. I think the first one is a bit easier than other, so maybe that's why. i'll check into it.


    I know its' been asked a zillion times without a real good answer, why can't WGT program a driving range  and putting green. I mean you have to program all these different clubs and balls on several courses---it seems a putting green and driving range would not be impossible.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Apr 21 2013 12:33 AM

    I've seen WGT's answer, though you won't consider it "really good":

    They refuse to add practicing facilities and tell us to go to the courses. Thus, it's not impossible but unwanted.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Apr 21 2013 1:04 AM


    I know its' been asked a zillion times without a real good answer, why can't WGT program a driving range  and putting green. I mean you have to program all these different clubs and balls on several courses---it seems a putting green and driving range would not be impossible.

    Actually far from impossible but sadly at a cost that could not be justified as the return would be minimal. Who would pay to use a range when you can use the course for free?

    Also if a fee for balls was charged, they would invariably be cheaper balls, so would not help the player in gauging spin or  distance - in other words, a useless exercise for the player when reverting to your usual ball.

    In this game you cannot alter your stance or grip so what real benefits to the players would a range bring?

    The answer is none, The real answer to aiding your game lies in the introduction of a mulligan in a practice round, then you will be using your ball and hit several shots from the same place using varying shots and spin. This too has been asked for many times but for me is the most sensible alternative, one where players benefit and so would WGT from increased ball usage (and possibly a charge like putter pal etc).


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Apr 21 2013 1:55 AM

    Let the Mulligan go with forfeiting the other ball.

    Cashing regards,


    (vice-president finance)

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Sun, Apr 21 2013 7:12 AM

    alanti- If the player were to use his/her own golf balls on the range there would be increased revenue in ball sales. They could even put a counter on the range so that it would take a minimum of 100 hits on the range for the range to count in the CDP bonus.

    Most likely allowing free range usage in a practice mode where the player controls the wind and can switch clubs between shots would most likely result in increased club rentals along with ball sales. People unsure of which clubs to buy would rent both and try them out side by side in controlled conditions before purchasing one or the other.

    I prefer the mulligans in practice mode approach but either a range + putting green or the mulligans would be an improvement and both would likely generate more income for the company.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Apr 21 2013 1:48 PM


    alanti- If the player were to use his/her own golf balls on the range there would be increased revenue in ball sales. They could even put a counter on the range so that it would take a minimum of 100 hits on the range for the range to count in the CDP bonus.

    Actually I disagree SR for the simple reason that the ball usage would not imcrease a lot, all you are doing is changing the location of where you are playing. How many players would want to hit 100 balls on a range when little will be gained? As I said,its not like you can alter the stance or grip - this is where a range is helpful. It will not aid your swing as this is constant. Will it aid your ding percentage? Debatable.

    I have said in the past, yes a zero wind option in a practice round would help, especially coupled with a mulligan option.

    At the end of the day, WGT will not pour money into developing something unless there is a clear pecuniary benefit. For that reason I think if a mulligan option was introduced, it would be at a cost, but at least it would benefit the players. Yes I would prefer the option for free but I am being realistic.

    Again I think rentals on a controlled wind condition range would be minimal. Players are reluctant to rent due to the high cost and the fact the rental is not offset against the purchase price. Unless this changes I don't think a range would make an iota of difference.