How come my friend who hasn't played since before Christmas was invited to become a member, and I wasn''t? I started in July of last year and he joined in Sept. also my ave. is 67, his is 69. I am level 77 he is level 47, that makes no sense. Johnjohnson28, and I'm kms63??? Neither is level 90, and I know my other friends & my BF weren't' level 90 either and got invited. BTW...I mainly play PAY courses, paying WGT!
Are you referring to WGT Nation? If you're eligible to join, you should have received an email invitation. If you're eligible and didn't receive the email invitation, we may have an outdated email address for you on file. Verify your email address and message settings here:
Actually , the criteria according to WGT , is that one must either be a Legend , Level 90 , or a preferred customer , whatever that means. But not too worry ,it seems that WGT just gives it to anyone now , so its not so special anymore.
lonniescott711:so its not so special anymore.
You get a flag what more do you want.
You also occasionally get free balls.
I know at least a half a dozen ppl. that got membership at Master level and one has it at tour pro.
I received an invite at master level, have no idea why. I guess it was because I was a yacker on the forums, and was spending some crazy money on balls, equip, and gifts. Plus I was playing a lot of games, and not asking for anything other than help from my friends, to get better at the game.
I got mine as a Master but I figured it was because I've been here so long (joined June 2007). I've funded my play and gifted equipment to others through the video and survey route with no out of pocket money spent here so it wasn't because I've deposited so much money.
i have seen pros with it at level 60 avg 74
I spend alot on balls and credits several times a day. Also, the webpage at WGT to see if I can become a member says I am not eligible. :(