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Holding your nerve for that low round.

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Mon, Apr 29 2013 10:24 AM (15 replies)
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  • Coban123
    688 Posts
    Sat, Apr 27 2013 3:23 AM

    Something I've been struggling with it seems.

    I can shoot those 29's and the occassional 28 but anything lower, especially if the last hole or two depends on me getting that 27 or even lower, I seem to melt a bit. I watch that meter come down on my putter and kind of know in the back of my head that I'm probably going to miss the ding.

    18 hole rounds are even worse...I've only managed to shoot a 62 as my low round. But admittedly I play 18 holers very infrequently, however I find that if I shoot a 29 on the front I crumble a little on the back and ionstead of a 58 or 59 I end up with like a 64.

    Any advice from those who regularly shoot these scores, and do you get any of those excited nerves like me?


    James :)

  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Sat, Apr 27 2013 3:44 AM

    my lowest round was a 60 at St Andy's, i was playing really well and had a great front nine, then after reading advice on here, what i did was, had a break, saved the game, had a cigarette and a coffee, took 10 mins off!!

    try it, it might work for you?


    Something I've been struggling with it seems.

    I can shoot those 29's and the occassional 28 but anything lower, especially if the last hole or two depends on me getting that 27 or even lower, I seem to melt a bit. I watch that meter come down on my putter and kind of know in the back of my head that I'm probably going to miss the ding.

    18 hole rounds are even worse...I've only managed to shoot a 62 as my low round. But admittedly I play 18 holers very infrequently, however I find that if I shoot a 29 on the front I crumble a little on the back and ionstead of a 58 or 59 I end up with like a 64.

    Any advice from those who regularly shoot these scores, and do you get any of those excited nerves like me?


    James :)

  • borntobesting
    9,774 Posts
    Sat, Apr 27 2013 3:45 AM

    Actually I am somewhat like you. But I have had a few 60's and recently a 58. What I have found works for me is I take a smoke break about every 6 holes or so. Just a few minutes smoking my pipe calms me down a little and allows me to focus better as well.

  • Mushy01
    2,567 Posts
    Sat, Apr 27 2013 3:53 AM

    So it would appear, start smoking :-) really helps, alas, I smoke and hasn't helped me, I'm still bad lol

  • kilbraur
    219 Posts
    Sat, Apr 27 2013 6:22 AM

    My good scores ar come when I not look at score. Just stay concentrate on game.

    When scoring good, eye ar in, it all working, take break and concentrate break too.

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Sat, Apr 27 2013 7:27 AM


    My good scores ar come when I not look at score. Just stay concentrate on game.

    When scoring good, eye ar in, it all working, take break and concentrate break too.

    This works for me. I keep a post-it-note over the score until I'm finished so I don't have it in my mind as I play. I play what I call fast and loose. I don't take extremely long times to line up shots or putts. I try to play by intuition as much as possible. Also, I play the rounds in groups of 3 hole sets instead of looking at it as 9 or 18 holes.

    The thing is, all my bad scores had the post-it-note over the score, 3 holes sets and fast and loose in my head as well. ;-)

  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Sat, Apr 27 2013 7:30 AM


    So it would appear, start smoking :-) really helps, alas, I smoke and hasn't helped me, I'm still bad lol

    depends on what you smoke ;)

  • Boomerboy44
    1,514 Posts
    Sat, Apr 27 2013 7:43 AM

    1 thing I try to remember is there is always another game to play if I mess up a good round, seems to take the pressure off.

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Sat, Apr 27 2013 7:49 AM

    My best is 58 or 59 whatever, but it has to be done with the pressure on, otherwise how can you repeat.

    The best players play 18 hole rounds more than 9 hole rounds, its a case of handling the pressure.

    I'll tell you how stupid this game is, I was playing RSG with a WGT XD pink ball, and shot a 27 - 8 birdies, I absolutely holed everything. Imagine how fast the meter was,.

    Sometimes there is no rhyme nor reason.

  • Coban123
    688 Posts
    Sat, Apr 27 2013 8:18 AM

    Thank you so much for the replies :)

    I like the idea of taking a break between 6 or 9 holes. I find I play well when I just sit down and play, but when I grind a few rounds in a row the 3rd or 4th round seems to go poorly.


    This works for me. I keep a post-it-note over the score until I'm finished

    I am going to try this right now!

    Will let you know how it goes :)

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