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Sun, Apr 28 2013 6:39 AM (3 replies)
  • HawkFest
    2 Posts
    Sat, Apr 27 2013 7:50 PM

    Hoping to be constructive... Sometimes the "engine" makes no sense : for the same distance and wind conditions and club and right angle, sometimes it gets too far, other times too short, and sometimes near the target. Is there a penalty factor taken into account, like the player's experience (nb. of hours played for instance), or the brand of clubs that are used although the distance looks ok? If so then it's a good idea, however really not reliable.

    But overall it's an enjoyable game, thanks.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sun, Apr 28 2013 3:02 AM

    You are at Am level playing with starter equipment. If you can upgrade at least the ball. Some can then get all the way to master with what else you have.  If credits are burning holes in your pocket then a trip to the pro shop for a more general upgrade, either now or soon, may be in order. Bear in mind though that, at your level, it's easy enough to level up through levels, and so you may consider holding off a while having had a look at what's there several levels on. Remember you can get ALL your daily XP in the community play link on the sites home page...just one quick hole.....................Lastly join a good country club and lots of advice there also..........IF you are a regular player and want to be involved in a friendly CC maybe speak to the owner of my one, and tell him I sent ya :)

    No penalty for lack of hours and so on.......Descriptors on starter stuff all in the FAQs..It performs OK but stuff paid for will be better simple as that!

    You will improve. A well trod road mate!


  • jsweetcr
    1,209 Posts
    Sun, Apr 28 2013 6:15 AM

    I think Yankee Jim did a post about this or someone else, but in a nutshell all of the clubs have a precision factor and forgiveness factor, alnong with some others, that basically give variance to the shots. He described them as circles around the target, so if you only have 1 out of 5 precision then your circle for a potential landing area is bigger, which with starters your circle is bigger, meaning you have much greater variance. Then add to that the forgiveness which takes into account whether or not you hit the ding, which if you didn't hit  the ding and you don't have much forgiveness it allows for even more variance. A syou get higher in levels you can get equipment that has higher forgiveness and higher precision, along with a multitude of other qualities, all depending on how much you are willing to spend

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Apr 28 2013 6:39 AM


    Another basic factor is the shot trajectory, the height of the ball curve. In this field, the Starters are quite lowly placed. This means that the shots will land short and roll a lot. Add ground elevation to this, and you see that precision shots at elevated greens, perhaps the flags tucked closely behind some obstacles, are almost impossible.

    Take Oakmont #1 + 2 as examples.

    @#1, you'll hardly ever stop the ball close to any flag because it rolls down the slope forever. you can pitch the third from above or below.

    @#2 (left pin) there's no chance to play a second shot to the flag - it will drop into the bunker. Play green center, Par chance.