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Which will come first - TL or Level 98

rated by 0 users
Sun, Apr 28 2013 4:41 PM (8 replies)
  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Sat, Apr 27 2013 10:23 PM

    I am striving for both, I know I can make level 98 in 6 months or so, but I am wondering is Tour Legend beyond me.

    I remember asking much the same when I was a TM, thinking Legend was not achievable.

    But, every round I have near 30 brings me down , so I guess it is inevitable sooner or later.

    Whats it like up there in the clouds guys.

    I guess one can kiss goodbye to Alternate Shot games,lol

  • adtjoel
    124 Posts
    Sun, Apr 28 2013 12:58 AM

    It depends.

    If you have played enough ranked games so that your score can only go down (and are not penalised for bad rounds) then you will probably get toTL sooner. Otherwise you will probably get to level 98 first. The top driver would take at least a couple of shots off I would imagine.

    I found it easy to get to Legend. TL does seem a lot harder to get to though.

    I doubt being a TL is much of a difference, You have championshp greens, but I have played on those in some tournaments and they weren't much harder.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Apr 28 2013 1:35 AM

    @adtjoel: There's no penalty for bad rounds - eventually, they simply don't count.

    @John: For TL, 500x score 30 are necessary. Each better score allows for one higher score to count in.

    Of your last 200 rounds (in the score history) about 6 were 30. It took you 7 weeks to play these. I've seen no 29 so far.

    Assuming you need another 400 30s and, getting better, play 2 per week, this is 200 weeks, close to 4 years. Acceleration by better skills is likely but unpredictable.


    Level 98 is at 1,764,760 XPs. Level 96 starts at 1,290,000 XPs. You may need another 400,000 XPs.

    200 9-hole tournaments *190 and 50 days *880 may have given you 82,000 XPs. Thus you might arrive at level 98 in 250 days, much less than one year.

    Level wins ;)

    Happy Legend games with the coveted R1 driver!


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Apr 28 2013 3:06 AM


    Assuming you need another 400 30s and, getting better, play 2 per week, this is 200 weeks, close to 4 years. Acceleration by better skills is likely but unpredictable.

    LOL Now I feel really depressed as I am in a similar position. I know I still have another 100 odd rounds before the mandatory 500 Legend rounds are played.

    So in my case I feel it will be level 98 that comes first (and I am only level 92 lol). Regardless when and if I get there, I still enjoy playing every round , good or bad.

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Sun, Apr 28 2013 12:17 PM

    It really is depressng alanti, and when alosso talks of 400 30's I feel even worse.

    Am currently on 1,451,089 XP's, so I will definitely have that wretched driver before Xmas, if nothing else.

  • DrussTheLegend
    1,043 Posts
    Sun, Apr 28 2013 1:15 PM

    TL will win hands down for me.  My Legend average is now saturated and has dropped rapidly to its current level at 60.15, whereas my XP at lvl 94 is 960k (taken me nearly 2.5 years to get that much XP) so at least that much longer to get to 1.7m XP to hit lvl 98.


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Apr 28 2013 1:19 PM

    LOL John, all I can say is good luck! I was told when I was trying to get to Legend (the old fashioned way) was to enjoy the journey - all I can say is the same.

    I still have about 100 rounds for the mandatory 500 legend rounds - then I will see some of the poor rounds drop off, but a 30 drops me by .1 at the moment so by my reckoning, I would still need another 300 rounds or so of 30 or less. And as these are not the norm that is a daunting task. They good news is I am still learning the game and slowly improving and still loving the game so hopefully, when I do get there I will not bring the game into disrepute!!


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Apr 28 2013 1:40 PM


    It really is depressng alanti, and when alosso talks of 400 30's I feel even worse.

    Am currently on 1,451,089 XP's, so I will definitely have that wretched driver before Xmas, if nothing else.

    So it may be just 200 days (Nov 14th) for level 98 and the R1 driver (+ anything else they might invent in between).


    The rest is nothing more than prosaic insight into the aspect which more and more crystallizes as the main business principle in such ventures:

    Promises and Hopes.

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Sun, Apr 28 2013 4:41 PM

    Well Druss , u have to up the ante and playmore. TL is just around the corner for you - nice going.

    It may be wishful thinking but I do hope I can improve a little, but I think getting to 61 is feasible but that last stroke to 60 is gonna be very,very hard..

    I have started to map the greens for best and easiest putts, but it goes against the grain as I am not that sort of person. But it seems it may be necessary to make that final step.