and the position you finished at, for CTTHs that have been completed? I've asked WGT several times but no one will answer this question for some reason? I know WGT does not save anyone's old Scorecards but for the CTTH Monthly Sweeps, Weekly Challenges and Tournaments they offer; you'd think they would certainly keep statistical records of 'those' since they award Credits and Prizes? Otherwise members can't even verify who won any of them or verify which position they themselves finished. Doesn't Anyone know the answer to this simple question?
If they don't keep records; why not? Because, for example, what if a member disagrees with the amount of credits paid to them but there is no way for them to verify what Position they finished etc.? Or what if someone just wanted to know who won the June, 2011 Bali Hai Monthly Sweeps CTTH Challenge and how many credits were paid out? Or maybe someone wants to know who finished 2nd in the last 12 Oakmont CTTHs? Or whatever; but why can't we check these statistics? I'm just wondering because I have NEVER even been able to verify Exactly which Position I finished in any CTTH I've played so far etc. etc. etc. Makes no sense to me. You might be in 5th place one hour before the Midnight Deadline on the last day of a Weekly Challenge and then go to bed but someone could knock you out of the 5th position in that last hour and there is No Way To Verify if you remained in 5th place or if you got knocked back to 6th or 7th position? Isn't that just plain Goofy? :)
So what's the big mystery going on here? Is there a way to check stats or not because I don't want to just guess if I finished 4th or 5th or 6th in a CTTH? I would like to be able to verify for sure whether I finished 4th or 5th or 6th. Wouldn't you?