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Single Player - Practice Mode

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Sun, Sep 1 2013 12:51 PM (17 replies)
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  • Giftig
    637 Posts
    Sun, Apr 28 2013 11:55 AM

    I've perused the forums and might have missed this suggestion – my apologies if I have.  Has it been considered or discussed as a product suggestion to allow a single player in practice mode to play multiple shots from the same position?  This feature would be very helpful in trying to hone your skill on a particular shot or understanding the dynamics of a shot from a given position.  It may even eliminate the request for a virtual driving range or putting practice green as all fairways and greens could now be used for that purpose.

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Sun, Apr 28 2013 12:45 PM


    I've perused the forums and might have missed this suggestion – my apologies if I have.  Has it been considered or discussed as a product suggestion to allow a single player in practice mode to play multiple shots from the same position?  This feature would be very helpful in trying to hone your skill on a particular shot or understanding the dynamics of a shot from a given position.  It may even eliminate the request for a virtual driving range or putting practice green as all fairways and greens could now be used for that purpose.


    right now, it's not possible nor I know if it'll ever be. Reality is though, that no  twos are the same, so providing automation tools, is not something I would prefer.


  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Sun, Apr 28 2013 12:51 PM


    I've perused the forums and might have missed this suggestion – my apologies if I have.  Has it been considered or discussed as a product suggestion to allow a single player in practice mode to play multiple shots from the same position?  This feature would be very helpful in trying to hone your skill on a particular shot or understanding the dynamics of a shot from a given position.  It may even eliminate the request for a virtual driving range or putting practice green as all fairways and greens could now be used for that purpose.

    From practice green , to driving range, and yes even a mulligan setting has been requested. All to no avail , as none would do you any good. This game has a program , known as V.E.M. .This program is what alters your shots, so there is no perfect game. So for the above mentioned requests, would mean that WGT , would have to write a new program in order to meet the players requests . This will not happen, as it would be a waste of time.So the practice setting mode is all that is available . Happy Swinging

  • Mushy01
    2,567 Posts
    Sun, Apr 28 2013 12:54 PM

    but surely VEM could be switched off in practice mode ?

  • Giftig
    637 Posts
    Sun, Apr 28 2013 1:11 PM

    Reality is though, that no  twos are the same, so providing automation tools,.. . -wgticon

    This game has a program , known as V.E.M. .This program is what alters your shots, so there is no perfect game. So for the above mentioned requests, would mean that WGT , would have to write a new program in order to meet the players requests .

    WGTicon / Lonniescott711,

    Thanks for the reply.  Yes, I understand about V.E.M. and how no two shots will ever be the same. Not suggesting an automation tool but a practice tool where a player could choose to hit multiple shots from the same location up to the number of shots allowed by the hole. Same V.E.M., same program, same ball wear, just an option to replay the last shot in single player practice and the ability to move forward to the next shot. Practice makes perfect.  LOL Trying to improve upon my Hack Legend status.

  • bubbadork
    984 Posts
    Sun, Apr 28 2013 1:15 PM

    It has been mentioned many times. We tend to call it the ability to use mulligans in a practice round. It's actually a good idea. One could more accurately characterize the effects of ones clubs, spin, lie, and wind if one had the option. 

    The benefit to WGT would be ball usage. The detriment to WGT would be some hours of additional (but simple) programming.

    I will opine that WGT programmers are not the slickest. If they were, the stuttering meter would not be such a prevalent problem.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Apr 28 2013 1:41 PM

    As already stated, yes the use of Mulligans has been discussed many times. I personally do not see what the reluctance from WGT on this issue is, perhaps Bubba is right, probabaly the programmers are just not capable of doing so.I am not a programmer, but this would surely seem to be fairly easy to implement for any programmer worth his/her paycheck.

    It would be a win win situation - for the players to improve different aspects of their game, and for WGT for increased ball usage and probably from the sale of "Mulligan Pal" in the proshop.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Apr 28 2013 1:50 PM

    One counter-argument I heard is that the game might become too easy if repetition was allowed.

  • quakerdarlo
    7,058 Posts
    Sun, Apr 28 2013 2:44 PM

    Why practice?How many mulligans would you want before u think u know the perfect shot?

    Waste of time...bears no resemblance to a ranked game!!

    I used to have practice rounds, even a cuppla holes with same set up as ,say, a c/c tourney, but go to the real thing & its totally different, clubs wind rough bunkers & greens start performing totally differently, if its a program that WGT has installed, then fine,just make it the same for all PLZ

    The "perfect" shot cannot possibly be played everytime if WGT has a variant in it for "realism" & treats every1 the same

    Ive struggled around playing what i normally do & then bang i hit a 30, learnt nothing at all coz i played as i would normally do, sumdays putts drop, sum they dont, my big gripe is lost balls, when u know it shud never ever go where it went.....plop



  • bubbadork
    984 Posts
    Sun, Apr 28 2013 5:40 PM

    No one's looking for a perfect shot. Some one is looking for enough shots under the same conditions to characterize the club, or the effects of lie, or spin, or wind, or whatever. 

    Some people know how to use data, some just grope blindly until they find the target. To each his own, I guess.

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