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**** Downtime tonight 5/1/13 ****

Sun, May 5 2013 12:32 AM (67 replies)
  • oneeyedjohn
    9,588 Posts
    Fri, May 3 2013 2:36 AM

    Ok thanks Saltiresfan, will do, lol

    If only Courtney could come up with something that doesn't sound like a prissy schoolteacher, who would probably award higher marks for pretty handwriting than good content, then that would be refreshing.

    No wonder she has nearly 4000 posts.

    Always correcting people and hardly ever contributing.


    I'll bet ya a pound to a penny she puts a circle above her 'i' s instead of a dot, which is a huge sign of vanity.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Fri, May 3 2013 3:03 AM

    There are 2 reasons that I have a high post count sir. One is I've given more help to new players on here than you've played ranked rounds and the second is I run the biggest and busiest country club on WGT. I won't give advice to you again sir as it seems you have a problem with females. Have a good day.

    To anyone else that would like to know about the new putter feel free to ask.


  • mihmariaci
    91 Posts
    Fri, May 3 2013 3:39 AM

    New update!

    Best of Par 3 stroke - not a good idea for stats best hole round!!  Should not count! Fix this, is unfair. 

    New putter - Odyssey Versa (L70) - this is a putter for the Rossa L55 fans who can replace it now with this. Is a Rossa with slower speed meter. Great putter, very nice!



  • oneeyedjohn
    9,588 Posts
    Fri, May 3 2013 4:07 AM

    This is me u tit

    5,835 Posts
    Sat, May 4 2013 8:38 PM

    I run the biggest and busiest country club on WGT

    I nearly spat my morning coffee all over my monitor.

    Courteney, this is delusional. (not meant to be derogatory to you)

    Admirable to think you are up their with the Big Clubs.
    But seriously, Unless you are doing something I am not aware of.. you and I and most of the other WGT CClubs would only ever dream of having the administration, support and know how of some of these big, busy clubs.

    Simply creating tourneys in the WGT Club Area everytime one finishes and turning over your members on a monthly basis due to inactivity, does not make a solid and 'busy' club.
    YOU yourself might be busy, but in comparison to some of these others...  in reality. No.

    I imagine you are often in the same boat as I. Sometimes having to spend an hour or two doing club stuff before I can get to enjoy a game.

    There are some large Clubs who simply use WGT for the game platform and not for their WGT Tournament Activity. Some of these are very large Clubs that arent even listed as a club in WGT. One of your own members may even be a member of one of these. :)
    I have a couple who are. They bring me interesting info.

    Some clubs are running 20 - 30+ tourneys every month (outside of the given WGT club tourney allotment) via their own websites, They run their own Ladder competitions  and are also involved in the WGTLS. They have support from various individuals who create and manage these very tightly run expansive tournaments. They have TEAMS of people designing awards & trophies and payouts.

    'FreeRolls' that offer large credit pools - Some have such large funding support that they offer cash prizes and regular incentives that boggle the mind & can often reflect a WGT tournament prize pool..
    You wont see any 'Survivor' type club tourneys there.

    Imagine if you can for a moment Courteney, having a handful of members that are actually on the Pro Tour and sinking thousands of dollars into their club on a quarterly or even monthly basis to help support some of the resources these clubs have.

    They all buy their equipment from WGT, they all pay for their WGT balls they are all a part of WGT in one way or another.

    Having 250 members that you 'top up' every month from randoms in the forums. and having your WGT tournament card consistently full does not equal busiest, biggest or.. best.

    Chat with some of these other guys, look as much as you can into their websites, check out their complex spreadsheets with tourney results assimilated over the last 2 - 3 years. Look at the history of prizes they have offered. Have a look what their creative people do with their Web Development, YouTube and Google docs.

    This will give you a good insight into what is a busy club and exactly the expanse a big club really stretches

    The owners of these clubs probably only log into WGT once a week. Their delegated team is trusted for the day to day stuff.
    You also dont see many of them in these forums.

    With due respect.



  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sat, May 4 2013 9:26 PM

    Leave me alone Shrude. No other club has all it's members having played in the last month. Some clubs have about a third. Perhaps you'd better up your game.

    5,835 Posts
    Sat, May 4 2013 9:40 PM

    No other club has all it's members having played in the last month.

    This, is what you base your claim on?


    alrighty then... continue forward.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sat, May 4 2013 9:48 PM


    No other club has all it's members having played in the last month.

    This is what you base your claim on?


    alrighty then... continue forward.

    I had 23 tournaments playing at one time last week, you know nothing about my club so just keep your sly digs to yourself, You've been at it for months.

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Sat, May 4 2013 10:07 PM

    Getting members to play CC tournaments is a tough task. I never could understand how players would join a CC and not participate in any of the Club's tournaments. It doesn't make sense to me.

    Courtney, it's great that you're able to get your Club members to participate on a daily basis. My Club owner at one point in time had 250 members and was one of the top three CC, but only 30 to 40 of those players ever played any of the daily tournaments. 

    Now there's only 100 members in my CC and still only 20 to 30 members ever play a daily tournament.

    Do share your secret on CC member participation.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sat, May 4 2013 10:30 PM

    It is tough sometimes as different people have different lives and expect different things from a club. I'm not saying that all my tournaments are well populated as some people prefer one course to another, whereas one on St A's may have 80 entrants one on Oakmont may only have 20. I don't have rules as such and anyone can enter any competition but I make it clear that members need to participate to stay in the club. I still have a little pruning to do but I'm happy with the progress so far.