This would allow better competion across tiers and at tournaments.
And that's the reason why it'll never be introduced. The big boys would have such a massive + handicap they'll never win anything.
I run a handicap comp in my CC, mainly to try to promote a level playing field (like you say) so everyone of all abilities can compete. It seems to work pretty well and over the last 20 odd games we've had I'd say we've had 14 different winners, from masters all the up to tour legends. In theory everyone has an equal chance.
As above though, it is harsh on the better players. In our last round one of our TL's with a +12.67 handicap had a 54 and only came 6th after the handicaps were applied. The round was won by a tour master with a -0.48 handicap.
But the theory is the better player will consistently hit around their handicap while the higher player will be a bit up and down, just like in real life. Swings and roundabouts really