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chip & runs off fringe

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Wed, May 7 2014 6:27 PM (8 replies)
  • mentalhandicap
    7 Posts
    Mon, Apr 27 2009 6:08 PM

    Is it me,  or, does the chipping still suck really huge?  I've tried to use several clubs to get a short chip, and run of 8 or ten feet,  when the pin is at 10yds away,  level green,  or close to it.  I go back to about half of the max showing on the club potential,  and GAWD DANG IT ANYWAY!!!   It took 3 chips from 3yds off, to get it 6' onto the green.  The divot went further each time, than the ball. 

    Don't get me wrong,  I appreciate the opportunity to sit once a week and play a few holes for free,  but really,  why bother.  With the new holes and getting windier,  I've been hitting some fringes and man o man,  i'm gonna go kick my dogs.   I was hoping it would get more fun, and worth some pocket change to get clubs, and play more often.  But really,  can't we get some of the little things tuned up?  I'd play Phil Mickleson here, anytime,  any day, and bet every dime I have,  on a little fringe "chip in challenge" and watch him kill himself in frustration. 

    I don't get it.  Why try and make so many "macho" improvements when it's the little things are that makes golf what it is. 


  • rich197803
    2 Posts
    Tue, Apr 28 2009 8:16 AM

    I read a tip on the forums that works for me. Always choose a club that means you are hitting at least 80% power, and then it works.

    Also for some reason the max power for a chip is less then the actual distance, so a 6yrd chip goes 8 etc

  • nhlett
    64 Posts
    Tue, Apr 28 2009 3:19 PM

    I had the same problem but when I start moving the spin dot all the way down and using 80% rule that Rich described things got better.

    Now if I can onlycontrol my distance better I'll be golden. (Yah right)


  • TonyPhil
    74 Posts
    Wed, May 7 2014 10:33 AM

    Try flopping. It stops really quickly once it hits the green, but only if you use full backspin.

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Wed, May 7 2014 12:01 PM


    here are some more tips.

    as always, try to hit as close club to chip distance... use a 25 yard chip club at 40% power to hit for 8yards is not going to be as reliable as hitting 10yard chip for 80% power to go 8yards,

    also, keep an eye on the slope where ball lands... if it's downhill then likely it'll run more. sometimes it's worth putting from the fringe..

    there are more details in the game tips forums. few stickied guides offer many different approaches to short game.


  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Wed, May 7 2014 12:13 PM

    Or - Pitch from the fringe.

  • borntobesting
    9,783 Posts
    Wed, May 7 2014 1:09 PM

    The best advice I can give you is to get at least 2 good wedges. The starter wedges are the worst part of the starter set. 2 good wedges will make a world of difference in your short game. Not just chipping but every aspect of the short game will improve dramatically with 2 or even 3 good wedges. 

  • Chinajohn
    1,190 Posts
    Wed, May 7 2014 6:10 PM

    One of the better players (I genuinely forget who) once gave some advice ref chipping which I will paraphrase, he said that you should treat chipping as a putt, read it like a putt, the only difference is the first 25% of the journey is through the air.

    My 'rules' for chipping;

    Chip from rough? ......... nah

    Chip onto a heavily sloping green? .......... nah

    Chip from more than 2 yds from the green? ......... nah

    However, I've been consistently told by players much more skilled than I that it IS a very useful shot.

  • TNP56
    510 Posts
    Wed, May 7 2014 6:27 PM

    L   O    L   !   !   !

    did any of u guys from 2014 see that this thread is over 5 years old ?    
