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The Peoples Club

Wed, Oct 29 2014 9:59 PM (33 replies)
  • davidc1993
    2 Posts
    Fri, May 31 2013 5:57 PM

    im looking for a cc

  • RickySam
    53 Posts
    Mon, Jun 3 2013 2:07 PM

    Hi david!

    May I invite you to check out CASCADIA Golf and Country Club. We're a small club, but want to grow. We have lots of club tourneys, CC vs CC tourneys, an off site forum, and a bunch of really nice people. Check us out. Contact myself or buzkashi for info.

  • darrenpaulLMB
    180 Posts
    Wed, Oct 29 2014 3:03 PM


    How do you go about removing players from your club?  How long do you give them to remain inactive, do you email them before removing them, etc.

    I tell members from the start that if they don't play at all in a month they will be removed. I message the ones that I think will care before I eject them but very few get back to me. Also if people play no part in the clubs activities then I give them a warning, if they pay no heed to that then they go too. It may sound draconian but members that do nothing need to make way for people that want to join. All 248 members at the present time have played within the last month. (2 places vacant folks!)



    You never told me I would be removed if I didn't play in a month. you didn't send me a message before ejecting me, you also didn't give me any warning because I hadn't played any part in the clubs activities. I did try to explain why I hadn't been able to play for the last month, but by then you had already removed me from the club.

    You invited me to join your club and I was very grateful for that, then you remove me without any prior warning or notification. maybe it's just me but that doesn't seem fair. hopefully you will once again be kind enough to offer me an invite as and when you have available places.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Wed, Oct 29 2014 9:59 PM
    Sorry Darren. I had people queuing to get in and you had not played in 4 weeks and never done anything within the club. Since I removed you have let me know that you would like to rejoin and that you'd be more active in future so I've messaged you to say that I'll let you back in as soon as I get a space. My 30 days or out policy is on the club status bar. An inactive player is just taking up space that could be used by an active player.