Hi all,
Lately (like for the last month or more.....) there has been a video to view for credits. I must have seen it a hundred times now.......
Maybe it's only one of those regional type of videos that people don't get to watch elsewhere (I've notices that people talk about videos that I have no idea what they're talking about).
It's the Heineken commercial where the drummer gets the tickets to a soccer game at Wimbledon and it shows his trials and tribulations to get to the game. I've seen an abridged version of it on TV. Pretty entertaining and I don't mind watching it over and over.
What's bugging me is: is that guy supposed to be someone I know? Someone famous? Or just an actor who found a good gig?
I haven't a clue; maybe I'm missing out on some kind of inside joke.
Anybody know who he is?