I was on vacation for the last 10 days, interesting ideas being circulated. Either way, something has to change or the RG will slowly die off. Already, it's become a high-level Masters only daily tournament, with those players trading off credits.
Upon returning, I played in a St. Andrews F9 tourney where 2 players had 27s, there were 4 28s or something, and my 29 was barely good for a top 10! I realize that's the easiest RG by far, but still... :) How can any player not shooting sub-30 realistically want to enter that tournament??
Anyway, the ideas of smaller fields, or another tier, those are all good thoughts. Let's see what WGT does about it; I enjoy the competition of the RG's, but I think 99% of the players can't enter them with a chance of winning.