alanti: The biggest advantage of being short in stature would be when the wind is blowing a gale at St Andys you would have better balance than the poor tall dude who can hardly stand up.... thought I hadn't thought it through..lets make it 4" 1' ( I know some tiny women )
alanti: .then again if they don't weigh much they may be gone with the wind but would save throwing grass up in the air!
And again, everyone benefits...well, not everyone obviously, but look on the bright side..
The other 3 in the 4some know which way the winds blowing. ( he wudda wanted that )
alanti: and welcome back -
Woohoo cheers Al, new impetus right now ....
However it sorta feels like getting back with a lover who's cheated on you..You have to because it was sooo good the first time around, but in your heart of hearts you know the trust has gone and it's doomed to failure and will probably end in acrimony.
But it's worth a punt no ? :)))