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robots on this game ?

Fri, Jun 7 2013 3:38 PM (27 replies)
  • mara43
    1,674 Posts
    Fri, May 17 2013 6:31 AM

  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Fri, May 17 2013 6:57 AM


    LOL!!!  The TGIF chuckle. tx mara.

  • Rockitch
    1,022 Posts
    Fri, May 17 2013 7:00 AM

    I know about practice mp. But in my opinion a guy with no match play rounds at all isn't going to play practice  mp. 

    Anyone who likes MP but doesn't want to be tiered up too fast (by beating higher tiered players) might play practice MP only.... just sayin'


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, May 17 2013 7:01 AM

    This bad boy's first assignment is target practice at Merion #5.  :-D

  • TarheelsRule
    5,581 Posts
    Fri, May 17 2013 9:43 AM

    I was playing with a lower tier player a few weeks ago in a game of blitz and he accused me of being a WGT

    His theory was that I was hitting the ball close on every hole, okay I got all 9 inside of 10 feet in that round but nothing exceptional.  I had a phone call right after we started so I didn't say anything except GL and TY after my shorts, he never hit a good shot for me to comment on.  Before the 8th hole he went on a rant about WGT robots and how they took all your credits away (this was a blitz challenge game - why he signed up was a mystery to me).  I finished my call and spoke a few lines, which seemed to surprise him.   He then accused me of being a sandbagger, not sure how a legend can sandbag but he threw it out there.

    So watch out for my bionic finger.

  • TicaMC03
    36 Posts
    Fri, May 17 2013 10:03 AM

    Ive tasted that bionc finger of yours no

  • notonthis
    893 Posts
    Fri, May 17 2013 10:43 AM

    Actually about the legend sandbagging topic you can sandbag as a legend. I know more than a handfull who only do alt and mpc with 67-70 average but will take me on 9 like they were a 55 or less average. You run into someone with a high average in a blitz game then you make the assumption they arent that good and then they hit 250000 on you in a blitz game. A legend keeping a high average that really plays like a tour legend is no diffirent to me than a tour master that plays like a legend. Sure you can speak on the tee advantage but i find no advantage in that if i know how to play my clubs. Cant name a time i played a tour master or master as a legend and lost becuase he had a tee advantage if i lost it was because i missed putt as for any other time i lose besides this round here on congo i just had and all my shot were 15 yards long or short. vWJ33q BgdQcVrcbw7VS.htp

  • Betototo
    16 Posts
    Sun, May 19 2013 12:56 AM

    my hole point of this publication had to do more with the existence of robots (programs) that are running in almost every existing internet game ... lots of games that are way more complex than this one, and still some programmers find the way to insert an artificial player and no one can tell until TOTAL PERFECTION is achieved.  anyway, you can think whatever you want about me, analyzing my profile history as some really-busy-peaple did already, trying to figure out i don't know what, instead of asking themselves a simple question : if it's proven that there are millions of robot-fake-players in the internet games, what makes this site so different that no one has tried or even did already ? i am not a robot, but the player I mentioned never answered me back and that seemed suspicious after achieving PERFECTION in a run and using regular gear, not the fancy ones.  well, think whatever you want ... i know what i saw ... have a good day all.

  • bhoese
    679 Posts
    Sun, May 19 2013 10:31 AM

    I've seen plenty of internet games where the high scores were several times higher than what would be reasonably possible by playing.  

    If somebody had found a way to hack the site and play (or program) perfect rounds, we'd all know about it.

    They aren't lurking in the shadows in order to take worthless credits off of other players in match play.  Hackers can't resist putting those scores out there where others can see them. The whole point of hacking is to show that the system can be beat. They would post the scores in tournament play in order to prove their success to their buddies, and they'd get off on watching the firestorm in the forums afterwards.

  • Betototo
    16 Posts
    Sun, May 19 2013 2:22 PM

    i wasn't talking about hackers playing in a run (wich also happens a lot).  robots (playing-programs) are made by hackers but they don't control them all the time.  the program learns the operative commands of the design of the game and simply finds the numeric answer for all situations with a 100% accuracy without the presence of it's creator.  keeps playing automatically and simply wins with PERFECTION.  maybe the hacker takes certain decisions, if they do it for economic interests (credits).  i am playing for free so you are the ones who should be really concern about finding out really reliable feeds on this topic unless this site is 100% free of robots (dream on).  i am just saying.  good day all ;)