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A Simple Suggestion for everyone

Wed, Jun 5 2013 8:49 AM (8 replies)
  • Greyeagle49
    42 Posts
    Tue, May 14 2013 10:19 AM

    Dear WGT

    I was thinking the other day as I was playing on the Kiawah Island  course about how nice it would be to have a driving range on WGT. Most golf courses have both driving range and putting green and some even have a chipping green so you can work on your short games. I have been coming to WGT for quite some time and you always make this place very interesting to me. I am currently looking for the right Country Club to join because I would love to make some new friends on here and improve my game so I can use it in my real life games.

    My domestic partner just had spinal surgery back on Feb. 14th and she is still recovering from that so I don't get to play much for real. I come to WGT and always seem to find a few friends who love golf as much as I do.

    I hope the folks at WGT will check this suggestion out and submit to the possibility of creating a driving range for us beginners and hackers.

    Thank you for a great gaming site

    Yours Truly

    Michael "Greyeagle49" Jones

    5,835 Posts
    Wed, May 15 2013 9:14 PM

    Hi Michael.


    This has been a request from WGT players for a very long time.

    It probably  isn't  going to happen.  :(

  • Greyeagle49
    42 Posts
    Tue, Jun 4 2013 11:14 AM

    This may be so here at WGT but there is a definite need for a driving range because I have been playing with some that could definitely benefit from some range time. Every golf course I've been to has both a putting range and a driving range. I play golf here in Biloxi MS and my time spent on the driving range has improved my game by75%. I don't understand why WGT can't create a driving range yet they go to no expense to provide us with quality courses to play. Why can't they create a driving range with a driving contest? They have created a putting game so why not create a driving game as well?  I am hoping to get the attention of WGT and to listen to a dedicated  player on WGT. I have been coming to this site for a long time and enjoy playing golf here.

    Thank You WGT for a great site

    Michael "Greyeagle49" Jones

  • Scoton
    174 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 1:19 AM

    WGT seem to think that having Practice Mode, in which a person can play any course, or any hole, repeatedly without affecting their stats, is equivalent to or better than having a Driving Range and Putting Green. Please bear with me while I try to explain why Practice Mode as it exists now is NOT valid as such a substitute, and that in fact what players (especially new players) would benefit from most is something altogether different.

    What we really need is some way to get information on how our equipment performs by minimizing the variables. For a clear example, the best way to do that with a driver would be to have the ability to play a tee shot to a huge, perfectly flat and empty fairway, in no wind, with no elevation difference from the tee, and to be able to repeat the same shot over and over without interruption. Expanding upon that theme, we need the ability to repeat any given shot over and over, with identical initial conditions, until we understand how our equipment performs with, and how our play affects the outcome of, the shot -- whether that shot is an ideal tee shot as described above, or a bunker shot from 30-35% buried lie to a hole 18 feet above the ball 47 yards away on a steeply right-left sloped green with a 16 MPH wind coming from 32 degrees to the right of straight ahead.

    IMO what this game REALLY needs is Mulligans in solo Practice mode! Ability to manually set up a specific shot that we would like to practice (such as, by clicking and dragging the ball to any location on any course, and being able to set wind direction and speed, etc.) and being able to repeatedly play that shot, would also be of great benefit.

    Failing to provide the above, if WGT were to make available practice Driving Range and Putting Green facilities, that would at least give some of the benefits needed and reduce the frustration levels for new members. After all, isn't it new members who provide WGT its greatest source of income? Isn't maximum retention and growth of the user base the primary goal of any commercial enterprise, whether internet-based or otherwise?

    Having been here just over a month myself, and been on the verge of quitting several times (which I still have not ruled out), I would like to try to understand WGT's official rationale as to why they DON'T provide something like this for the benefit of the members.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 2:49 AM

    needs is Mulligans in solo Practice mode!

    Would be nice.  With all the discussion's on deviation's I doubt they will fuel the fire with this or contemplate making things easier vis-a-vis some of the low scores.....................I see it as a nice to have but in the end there are no short cut's to achieving good scores regularly IMHO...................Maybe if they see real $$$ maybe........... but if you are waiting for it I can only realistically see disappointment.............It's also not what's really between you and real low scores anyway as I say all IMHO!

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 3:01 AM

    (Practice facilities)

    [...] I would like to try to understand WGT's official rationale as to why they DON'T provide something like this for the benefit of the members.
    You may have learned already that they have a hard time explaining their rationale and future plans - business secrets ruLeZ.

    Officially, Icon once stated - from my memory - that the skills would grow too quickly and the scores would drop even more, from their current unrealistic level.

    An additional thought is that playing on the courses is much quicker here than in reality.

    Inofficially, I translate "too quickly" into "more effecticely, with less dissipation into equipment use = less revenue".

    Their benefit against ours - which would win?

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 8:16 AM

    I'm in favor of the mulligans in practice suggestion but there's no reason they can't provide a driving range you use with your own golf balls. Let the hits count on the golf ball durability. Let the hits count on the shot pal and putter pal if the player has them turned on.

    Initially they wouldn't even need to go through the expense of HD photography. A TruGolf quality driving range and putting green would probably suffice for most people.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 8:29 AM

    There may be no reason why they can't, but I see a good motivation why they don't want to: Effective training leads to better rounds with less repetition of uninteresting shots, thus less ball usage.

    And for sure it would lead to 45s / 18 hole.

  • TarheelsRule
    5,607 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 8:49 AM

    I believe that the lack of motivation for not creating a driving range probably has something to do with the available practice mode. 

    If WGT were to create a driving range, they would have to 'sell' you balls to make this profitable.  Okay what type of ball, how much, etc.  If they don't charge they lose the ball hits that happen during practice and something that cost them money to create generates absolutely no revenue.

    One solution that I can see if to create the virtual driving range using an existing hole that has a relatively straight and flat landing area.  Charge the players a flat monthly fee that would allow them to hit as many balls as possible and throw in the use of rental clubs on the range at no charge.  

    I personally don't believe the practice range would have any real impact on scoring since you can practice shots on the course today.  It would however be a great learning tool for the people who are new to the game.