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Skill Level of Players varies greatly

Wed, May 15 2013 6:18 PM (17 replies)
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  • dharmacat
    2,172 Posts
    Tue, May 14 2013 12:42 PM

    I have been cursed lately  in alternate shot games with terrible partners within my tier, Master.

    Some havve been on Wgt since 2008! They must have gotten that tier just on longevity!

    How do you determine if a partner is at your skill level?? It affects my stats and just takes all the fun out of the game.


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Tue, May 14 2013 1:37 PM

    I have been cursed lately  in alternate shot games with terrible partners within my tier, Master

    Sadly we all have bad days on the course, real and on here, well I certainly do!

    The only way to acertain their ability is to look at their individual stats before a game - bearing in mind stats can be misleading.

    As for A/S I treat these purely as fun, usually with friends and the result really means nothing, just a good laugh. In fact some of the best A/S games I have had in when players play like a hack (including myself lol).

    The only stat it will affect is your win/loss record - something I don't even look at personally.

    If winning is your priority, play with friends you know.

    On a different note you too have been here for a while, level 92 and still a master with very good equipment - some would therefore question your stats. Perhaps you would be better off playing more ranked rounds and concentrating on improving your own game. This is meant without being critical on you but either enjoy A/S for the fun it is or try to be your best so you can win.

  • dharmacat
    2,172 Posts
    Tue, May 14 2013 5:16 PM


    Thanks for your comments, and the fact A/S is supposed to be fun was the reason I posted....lately,, probably by accident, I get terrible partners and it isn't fun at all!! I mean, they are really pathetic! Not just a bad day!


    I agree it isn't that important, but I am not a quitter so when I discover I have a partner for the next 3 minutes or so that is screwing up every good shot, I hang in there!


    To be clear, I officially joined in 2010, but start playing  until late last year, for various reasons, so it hasn't been all that long. I do agree I should play more ranked games, but I don't want to become a legend...tees are too far back!


  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Tue, May 14 2013 6:13 PM

    You really don't have a winning record in Alt-shot (424-474) so I don't think the losing just started over night. Now if you come in here saying, you put your partner in a scoring position (within 7 ft of the pin) and they continually miss the opportunity to make the score, I could sympathize.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Tue, May 14 2013 7:00 PM

    you put your partner in a scoring position (within 7 ft of the pin) and they continually miss the opportunity to make the score

    LOL Zio, If my partner continually puts in within 7 feet, my eyes light up and blast it 10 feet past! Ughhh I guess DH won't want me as a partner lol

    And DH, I didn't start really enjoying this game until I made legend so don't be afraid of the tips - that's where the real fun starts.

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Tue, May 14 2013 7:25 PM

    and the fact A/S is supposed to be fun was the reason I posted....lately,, probably by accident, I get terrible partners and it isn't fun at all!

    I can sympathize, just like when the game starts you should be able to click on the names in the lobby to see GIR, go to full profile, etc..NOT to make or stack the deck but to make it as competitive as can be.... though I'm sure that's why we can't..there are always sad sacks that find winning more important than the obvious reason for playing Alt...FUN  ;-))

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Wed, May 15 2013 5:42 AM

    Quite honestly I find it refreshing to play with pathetic players from time to time, it gives me a giggle.

    Wining or losing an AS game ain't gonna change ur life is it.

    On the upside sometimes u meet 3 wonderful people and you couldn't care less about the result.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, May 15 2013 6:09 AM

    The only useless stat AS gets you is win/loss. Nothing else you do there counts so what's the beef? What better way to learn how to get out of trouble than playing with someone you think isn't as good as you? It's a team effort, share the knowledge.

    Try putting yourself in that position and set the game filter for TM and above. You might learn something then.  :-)

  • TeacHa
    186 Posts
    Wed, May 15 2013 6:29 AM


    Quite honestly I find it refreshing to play with pathetic players from time to time, it gives me a giggle.

    Wining or losing an AS game ain't gonna change ur life is it.

    On the upside sometimes u meet 3 wonderful people and you couldn't care less about the result.


    I totally concur.

    This is the exact attitude I have in AS games.

    If you happen to have a bad partner, ask if you may give him advice or just hang in there until the end while having some fun.

  • barbarella24
    513 Posts
    Wed, May 15 2013 6:56 AM

    What better way to learn how to get out of trouble than playing with someone you think isn't as good as you?

    This is partly the reason I have never set the filter to a specific tier. When I was an Amateur I played with some Masters who explained how to use the flop shot. Why not impart your wisdom to those not as good as you.

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