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2 replays on my Profile, That are not mine? since 09/17/2011

rated by 0 users
Wed, May 15 2013 12:06 PM (4 replies)
  • LarkinPat1
    83 Posts
    Tue, May 14 2013 8:32 PM
    10.26.11 Question? How Far did the Ball Travel? St Andrews Links: The Old Course view | | delete
    09.17.11 Connorken,s Eagle Attempt at congresional 300 Congressional C.C. view | | dele

    Both replays  will not delete, theses replays have been on my profile, & Ive sent in so many Requests  to the automated case file creator program , to as many Techs so? What do I do!?   2nd question... WHY do I have to do anything?

    Anyone have any ideas.?    perhaps 1 day I will have my dream come true? & save, Back to Back replays of  my best 9 or 10 holes in a row. lol same course, same round,   hole by hole replay of an outstanding 9 or 10 holes,  and if i never get to have such a round I will start over again,  as of this moment I cant.. please help

  • phiber
    2,795 Posts
    Tue, May 14 2013 9:02 PM

    ONe thing you may want to consider is to use your blog for saving back to back holes like you are talking about.  You have to watch the replay, then hit copy to put it on your clipboard, then go to your profile page and put them on your blog.  Many people do it this way because the replay page only holds 10 replays.  Just another way of reaching your goal.

    I am not sure why you cannot delete those replays, never encountered that before.


  • LarkinPat1
    83 Posts
    Tue, May 14 2013 9:32 PM

    yes thank you, i do know other ways , its more the point of how long ive been asking, even told support if i need to compleatly let them in my system i would. and nothing but a case file #, lol thank you.

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Tue, May 14 2013 10:07 PM

    LarkinPat1, have you tried to save 8 more replays to fill your list. Then when you try to save the 11th one you should get the window showing you have 10 replays. You should be able to delete the two you don't want be clicking the X beside them two.

  • LarkinPat1
    83 Posts
    Wed, May 15 2013 12:06 PM

    Good Question!  Yes I have Tried that, Ive also contacted both players, I thought perhaps they might be able to delete the replays, didnt work, player suggested it didn't delete mainly, only Home page person/opperator, can delete a file that has been personaly placed upon a secure Page.  That made me think real hard, Perhaps this is the vary reason WGT hasn't?    So I went to the ,United States Law in regard to Electronic Malfeasance and Electronic Data Acquisition, and here is what i found,

    inclusion of (2012.Nov.rev) Patriot Act 2008 as applicable to American citizens  lol there not allowed to delete are stuff in otherword, ..