goldeena:Is your skin yellow because of all the bile that suffuses it?
No, that would be the Hepatitis C and the years of alcohol abuse I'm guessing ?
goldeena:And don't for one f*****g minute come the smart alec with me sunshine
Wow, you sound and look like my Mother ( she's 61 )
goldeena:[though awaiting further pollution from shrimp-d**k over there - he'd go over my knee and pay a fortune for it in real life y'know..... wouldn't you peachy bum chops, seen 'em all 'ere luv,
Hey, what you do behind closed doors is your business, but don't think I'm running away from that side of my sexuality, it's just not my cup of tea. And I a dominatrix right ? Explains the 3 inches of make up and the slight touch of serial killer eyes.
Andy aka (shrimpy)