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Thu, May 16 2013 11:32 AM (6 replies)
  • oilyrag
    875 Posts
    Thu, May 16 2013 7:54 AM


    on a new install of windows 7

    my 331 x 42 putter scale image appears with a massive grey background  ( about 400 x 400 ) added when using cthruview


    any ideas


  • StrayedFairway
    379 Posts
    Thu, May 16 2013 8:15 AM

    I don't know anything about cthruview, but it appears that you have "desktop themes" turned off do you still get when you turn it back on, as some transparency objects do not work as expected when it's off?


  • oilyrag
    875 Posts
    Thu, May 16 2013 8:26 AM


    I don't know anything about cthruview, but it appears that you have "desktop themes" turned off do you still get when you turn it back on, as some transparency objects do not work as expected when it's off?


    tried it to make sure, but no difference.

    I have 2 hard disks both with win 7 (just experimenting - trying to get a better meter )and both with the same desktop set up. cthruview works fine on my original disk, but not the 2nd disk

  • StrayedFairway
    379 Posts
    Thu, May 16 2013 8:41 AM

    Just installed it, and it looks like cthruview has a problem with  Win7 as I get the same results as you, but it does work fine on XP.


  • StrayedFairway
    379 Posts
    Thu, May 16 2013 8:46 AM

    Just found this page which would suggest it may be a problem with Java, but I would be hesitant using an old version Java.

  • racoondad
    322 Posts
    Thu, May 16 2013 8:57 AM

    Just installed and tried it. I'm on windows 7. For me the grey box appears when I double-click the .jar file directly, but it runs fine if I use the .bat file to start the program.

  • oilyrag
    875 Posts
    Thu, May 16 2013 11:32 AM


    the answer is the java version

    the above problem is with java 7


    going back to java 6u45 i get the desired putter scale below