98 times out of 100, I shoot within 30 seconds. Especially driving.
Those two times though... it's handy to use some time up, especially if it counts for something.
Check your chip view, rifle through some clubs, look at it front and back, dial in your meter.. once in a while it's handy to not be penalized for taking a minute on a crucial shot.
It's better to have the time and not have to use it, than to need the time and not have it. Imagine playing a bracket with a nice prize at the end, but you lose your match 1 down and had a stroke penalty. The sour taste that's left in your mouth after that is more substantial than the sour taste of watching someone take 70 seconds to shoot. In my opinion. But I understand your position. I bring it up because it happened, not to me, but to a fellow country clubber recently.
Most players won't use a lot of time on a bunch of shots - but of course there are those who take "too long" too frequently. I'd rather implement the plan of just not playing with "slow" shooters, than to force everyone to shoot fast. Personally, I just wait, surf on my phone, and wait for my turn.
Even though I play a relatively fast game, and most people I play with also play fast - I still use the default 90 second timer. We hardly ever use it, but once in a while, it's handy. Especially after the 15th hole and a few beers. BRB!