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R11s Irons

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Sun, May 19 2013 7:48 PM (7 replies)
  • DDRoss1
    1,809 Posts
    Sun, May 19 2013 10:46 AM

    I dont often get on here and ask for advice, but ready to hit Level 90, been a Legend since level 80, and i have always played the G20s due to the meter and my lousy hand eye coordination. I want to try out the R11s, but the meter is faster than the Bladez which i had a hard time with unless i used the max balls. I know the Max balls have got for *** length and spin, but with the spin on the R11s will that compensate for the difference. I dont know how many people are playing like this, or anybody will help me with, but i would appreciate it, i am a little older and have the beginnings of Glaucoma, so the meter and me dont get along usually, so any thoughts would be helpful. Thanks for your time.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sun, May 19 2013 10:52 AM

    Used the L90 R11s irons with the L35 Cally Z ball the other day....spin was fine.....

  • jsweetcr
    1,209 Posts
    Sun, May 19 2013 11:15 AM

    I think it depends on your reasons for playing the game and what your goals are. 

    If you are wanting to be competitive on some level than I think you need to consider them. Being competitive is different for everyone, but maybe you want to do better in CC tourneys or match plays or free plays or even RGs.  If you look at most of the top players who are winning tourneys etc they have them, but i guess you don't want them at the expense of your sanity or wallet.

    If you are just playing for fun with friends and enjoying yourself, then why spend all that on clubs that could just frustrate you and potential not make you a better player.

    So like i said i think you need to ask yourself what part of the game is important and what are you trying to accomplish and secondly what can you afford because obviously with those clubs you are probably going to have to buy more expensive balls like the nike RZNs with 3.5 dots of feel or the max balls

  • borntobesting
    9,774 Posts
    Sun, May 19 2013 11:32 AM

    Just work on your timing. I don't know how old you are. But I am 66 with cataracts and I find the R11 meter very manageable with all but the no feel balls. 

  • DDRoss1
    1,809 Posts
    Sun, May 19 2013 12:51 PM


    I think it depends on your reasons for playing the game and what your goals are. 

    If you are wanting to be competitive on some level than I think you need to consider them. Being competitive is different for everyone, but maybe you want to do better in CC tourneys or match plays or free plays or even RGs.  If you look at most of the top players who are winning tourneys etc they have them, but i guess you don't want them at the expense of your sanity or wallet.

    If you are just playing for fun with friends and enjoying yourself, then why spend all that on clubs that could just frustrate you and potential not make you a better player.

    So like i said i think you need to ask yourself what part of the game is important and what are you trying to accomplish and secondly what can you afford because obviously with those clubs you are probably going to have to buy more expensive balls like the nike RZNs with 3.5 dots of feel or the max balls

     I appreciate the honest feedback, that is the question isnt it. LOL, your insight is something I am going to have to figure out.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, May 19 2013 1:21 PM

    The R11 irons are great but the trade off is the meter speed. I too used the G20s until I decided to play the R11s. It took some time to adjust and some days I still struggle using the level 35 Cally slower meter ball to get near the ding, other days my hand/eye coordination is good. On the bad days I will sometimes revert to the Max balls (I detest the color and the price lol) but will often hit way to early negating the advantage. But whilst the length and spin with the Max balls is poor, they are good enough with slight adjustments to your game.

    The best way would be to rent the R11s and try out with a few balls, but sadly the cost and length of rental will only give you an indication of whether the combination will work for you.

    I do know or have seen some TL's using the max and R11 combination - proof that they do work, whether its a combo or price you want to pay is up to you.

  • DDRoss1
    1,809 Posts
    Sun, May 19 2013 1:32 PM


    The R11 irons are great but the trade off is the meter speed. I too used the G20s until I decided to play the R11s. It took some time to adjust and some days I still struggle using the level 35 Cally slower meter ball to get near the ding, other days my hand/eye coordination is good. On the bad days I will sometimes revert to the Max balls (I detest the color and the price lol) but will often hit way to early negating the advantage. But whilst the length and spin with the Max balls is poor, they are good enough with slight adjustments to your game.

    The best way would be to rent the R11s and try out with a few balls, but sadly the cost and length of rental will only give you an indication of whether the combination will work for you.

    I do know or have seen some TL's using the max and R11 combination - proof that they do work, whether its a combo or price you want to pay is up to you.

     I sure do appreciate the honest feedback


  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Sun, May 19 2013 7:48 PM

    If it aint broke ....Dont fix it........