CerinoDevoti:The unit of measure doesn't matter as long as the clubs and the course distances are measured in the same units.
Correct. The big difference is in the different names and relations for different dimensions.
Metric has only one - the meter - which is divided and multiplied in potences of 10: centi-meter, kilo-meter...
Imperial is inches x12 = feet x3 = yards x(??) = miles. Thus there are relations uncommon to us and varying, and three of them appear in the game.
As noobs in these factors we get confused frequently when a slope becomes 2 feet above 20 inches and such. For a while, I had a hard time doing the math, especially in matches with short stroke times. I even programmed an excel table for this feat.
Practice has solved this now for me, but when I chip from the fringe, I'm still partly blind because the indication switches between feet (for the putt) and yards (for the chip), and the roll is shown in feet again.
(on a real course it's also a complication, especially when measurments are mixed between "front of green" and "green center" on one course)
Therefore us "metric" ppl wish for the metric option, positively in vain. Therefore it's not necessary for anybody to protect it with ridiculousness.
On the positive side is the rule of thumb for putts that an inch in height is about a foot in length. Doing this metric would be a bigger feat, including the 1/12 factor :)