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ball flight

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Tue, May 21 2013 5:25 PM (2 replies)
  • tireman48
    2 Posts
    Tue, May 21 2013 2:53 PM

    i resently had a fairway shot said 184 yards to th hole with a 3 mph tail wind picked a club that goes 180 yards hit the line and the ball only flew 165 whats up with shot was just off fringe had 17 yards to pin hit it to 20 yards chip and only went 5 yards...what is up with this game and sometimes the wind is a factore and sometimes it doesent do anything....almos like it cheats your shots....these issues need to be fixed...

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Tue, May 21 2013 4:41 PM


    I would recommend reading a guide to see how different methods work and what to do get consistent results with them.


  • pjschaub
    173 Posts
    Tue, May 21 2013 5:25 PM

    i resently had a fairway shot said 184 yards to th hole with a 3 mph tail wind picked a club that goes 180 yards hit the line and the ball only flew 165 yards

    If you put back spin on that shot you will lose some yardage even with tailwind. I do know what you mean on some shots the wind is a WTH moment. I had a shot with the 16mi. wind from right to left on RSG and I compensated for the wind this way (one box movement tip to tip = 6yds) hit the center of meter and it went straight to aim spot. I also had a shot that was 25%-30% rough on the 9th on oak. and punch it and it flew 229yds with just a 2mi. ↑ wind usually I will lose 10yds or more on punch so I didn't think twice on it going anywhere near that distance (I believe it was a 196yd punch)

    Top spin you can add at least 5-10yds, and back spin you can figure at least 5-10 yds short. I don't chip because I'm used to the figures on pitch with my Cleveland 64 lvl 80 I know 4 moves is 7yds, 5moves is 10yds, and 6 moves is 13yds. Learn what each shot you do even on chip and you will hit it every time. But ofcourse to each their own when it comes to this game, you just have to shake it off and laugh and roll on. It happens to all of us and I can clean every thing I'm told (clear this clear that) and I still get the WTH shots from time to time. I'm a legend and some say it's because of the $ I spend it doesn't happen to us, well it does. Still Love the game though.

    Hit'em Straight and Long, pjschaub