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Buying clubs

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Mon, Oct 20 2014 12:26 AM (11 replies)
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  • DMoore6940
    11 Posts
    Tue, May 21 2013 3:03 PM

    Hi all,

    So, I started a few days ago, and I have made it to Pro using the starter clubs, but I am getting pretty tired of having to play 3 shots to reach the green on par 4's, or not being able to even reach the fairway on some holes.  I guess that means I have to buy some new clubs, but I can't really figure out the pro shop.  I see people raving about the "Burner 2.0 Irons" for example, but I can't even find them in the shop .. which is weird because they are pictured in the banner on the irons tab.  What am I missing here?

    Also, I am only level 26 so far, and I am wondering if there are even any clubs worth buying (i.e. that I will be able to use for several weeks/months since I am not made of money) that are available to me at such a paltry level?  By all accounts, the Burner 2.0 irons may have been such a set, so I am frustrated that I cannot find them.

    Any suggestions, hints, pointers would be most appreciated.



  • Mushy01
    2,567 Posts
    Tue, May 21 2013 3:32 PM

    I'm afraid the Burner 2 Irons you refer to , were always level 79+ irons and are now renamed rocketbladeZ

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Tue, May 21 2013 3:54 PM

    My advice is too wait as any clubs you buy now will not last as you tier up. If you can wait till level 48 the raptures are good or level 59 (I think) the G20s which can take you all the way to legend.

    However at least 2 wedges would help your game as would a ball with better attributes (I used the Tour SD till TM).

    In the meantime work on your game and enjoy. It is possible to still score well with starters equipment until Masters Tier

  • DMoore6940
    11 Posts
    Tue, May 21 2013 9:04 PM

    Hi alanti,


    Thanks for the advice.  Which wedges would you recommend?  The TM ATV's?  Right now I'd have to use the 19+ level clubs, and I am a bit scared by that meter speed ...

    Also, can you comment on how long the Tour SD balls last (i.e. how many strokes until you need a new sleeve)?  Thanks!



  • Rockitch
    1,022 Posts
    Wed, May 22 2013 12:18 AM

    The wgt pro full set is my advice, if you intend to one day play the big clubs from the legend tees. The only low level set with high loft. Fast meeter is very challenging at first, but if you stick with it you will get used to it and so be best prepared for the high level clubs. I played this set through to the high 70's levels, where I started buying my current equipment.

    Disclaimer: Don't buy this set if you are looking for the best scores possible right now. There are other low level clubs with which you will definitely shoot lower scores. They will however not be as good as a preparation for the high level clubs as the pro set.

    If interested you can read more on my thoughts about club choice here.

    One more thing: Play the free ball at least until you own the (high level) equipment of your choice. Paid balls eat your credits faster than you can earn them.


    Edit: Too late, I see the credits were probably burning a hole in your hand. We all know that feeling. Anyway good luck with your new clubs.

    Final tip: Don't upgrade your equipment with every level you advance. Better settle for a certain set and take the time to get used to it.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Wed, May 22 2013 12:22 AM

    Alanti has said it all. 

  • Rockitch
    1,022 Posts
    Wed, May 22 2013 12:24 AM

    Alanti has said it all. 

    I said more...



  • MainzMan
    9,591 Posts
    Wed, May 22 2013 12:41 AM

    My first ever upgrade was these.  Very cheap and a lot better than the free gear.  They won't get you to legend land but they'll make the game a lot more enjoyable and cost next to nowt.

  • DMoore6940
    11 Posts
    Wed, May 22 2013 10:59 AM

    Hi Rockitch,

    Thanks for the detailed reply.  I will have a look at the set you recommended .. perhaps just the irons would be an upgrade over my current set?  I might also just get the whole set, so I can practice with them, and use the easier but shorter clubs for tourneys.

    Regarding "burning a hole in my hand" ;), I decided to buy a decent (and cheap) driver and putter, since those were the two areas causing me the most frustration, and I have to say I am happy with my choice.  I tried to be careful to pick clubs that I should be able to use until at least Master level.  Also, I got the credits from surveys/offers, and I guess I'll qualify for more of those in time to replace the 1200 credits I spent.  If not, well, if I am still here at level 70, then I will have invested enough time in the game to justify spending some real money. 

    Thanks for the tip about the paid balls .. that was my suspicion, and so I held off buying any of them.

    Thanks again.


  • DMoore6940
    11 Posts
    Wed, May 22 2013 11:04 AM

    Thanks for the comment ... it was food for thought.  I didn't think the small changes in meter speed and forgiveness would make much of a difference, but perhaps I was too hasty in my judgement.  I may just try them out since they cost next to nothing.



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