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Do you have to watch a commercial every time you start the us open ?

rated by 0 users
Thu, May 23 2013 12:53 PM (20 replies)
  • D51nn3tt
    73 Posts
    Wed, May 22 2013 2:48 AM

    Just wondering if it's only me ?

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Wed, May 22 2013 2:59 AM


    Just wondering if it's only me ?


    are you referring to the highlights or something else?


  • dunk24138160
    11 Posts
    Wed, May 22 2013 3:00 AM

    I`ts not just the us open, i get them a lot and they run for 30 seconds. I``ts crap.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Wed, May 22 2013 3:10 AM

    Supposedly this

    30 seconds ad at each (re)start of the qualifier.

    Would you recommend an ad blocker, Icon?

  • AGibbs1
    53 Posts
    Wed, May 22 2013 6:46 AM

    No it's not only you, lol. Would be nice to switch up the ads a bit; constant repeats of stilled pics with music makes me sleepy.



  • blackbeard
    288 Posts
    Wed, May 22 2013 7:20 AM

    I had to install the Mozilla adblock app to get rid of this annoying thing. I works great now :)

  • Adalanar
    282 Posts
    Wed, May 22 2013 7:32 AM

    30 sec Commercial every time you play Merion now - really?

    I have a better idea - make it a 120 Minute commercial - this would increase my chances that the cutline stays where it is now.


  • D51nn3tt
    73 Posts
    Wed, May 22 2013 1:31 PM

    Every time you restart is really bad it should be only 1st couple of times a day.

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Wed, May 22 2013 4:41 PM

    Advertisers pay more for more views of their commercials. Unfortunately that's the price gamers are paying  for starting and starting and starting without finishing each round. Do you have an alternative location for the commercials that will provide as much income to WGT?

  • DZumwalt1
    6 Posts
    Thu, May 23 2013 1:25 AM

    No!!!!!!!!!!! Its not you,, its a beta program which means that everyone that plays it is testing for someone else,, no thank yous, no nothing. The creators of this game must not play or know very much about golf. It is a program trying to get you to spend money online period. Better game on PS2 or 3, or XBox. and for al of you that don't know this,, there is no such thing as a secure windows program.. Oh yeah just like Obama if you speak to loud against him or them,, you will get kicked out......very little of this game is like real golf,, to bad is good idea.