bubbadork: Of couse, it's possible that you've recently tiered up and are playing from longer tees. This will point out weaknesses in your approach shots that didn't affect you as much when you had shorter approaches. If that's the case, I'd recommend that you go play a lot of CTTH
I just spied on the OP's score History... sorry...lol
He has just been Promoted to TM.... Congrats.
This will be reason why your game is playing different. The better you get as you go through the Tiers... the harder the game plays. The more games you play with slight adjustments in the new Tier the better it will get and you will be off and running again until your next promotion.
Think of it as a roller coaster ride... it's ok going down the slope, but as your game gets better you start to climb the hill and the game gets hard to play... untill you reach the top, when the game will play as you like... then the whole process starts again...
Just give it time.... you'll be right if you don't give up
Good Luck