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free balls

Fri, May 31 2013 8:28 AM (13 replies)
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  • onlymarsden2
    89 Posts
    Mon, May 27 2013 9:58 PM

    I have given free balls to newbs.. some costing $4.00 a sleeve.

    Just to help them out. Not looking for a pat on the back.. or a thankyou; Just trying to pass it along. 

    I have never had a newb say, thanks.

    Great game.... very sad.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, May 27 2013 10:21 PM

    That is sad, I have gifted balls and clubs to new players and they have always been grateful - in fact I was shocked some time ago, a player who I helped out when he was new, turned TM and sent me some balls and said, I never forgot......

    The new players are tomorrow future in this game and if they can get the same enjoyment the game has given me, then thats reward enough for me.

  • onlymarsden2
    89 Posts
    Mon, May 27 2013 10:31 PM


    Yes, i hear you.

    I'am by no means a good- or great player. But, i try to help 

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Mon, May 27 2013 11:12 PM

    My experience has been that less than 1 out of 25 fail to say thank you. A few have picked up the task and are now regularly gifting to others themselves. 

    Gifting has been a very heartwarming practice for me.

  • barbarella24
    513 Posts
    Tue, May 28 2013 2:25 AM


    I'am by no means a good- or great player. But, i try to help 

    Check your bag, there's a full set of Cleveland wedges to help become a good (maybe great) player.


  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Tue, May 28 2013 2:42 AM



    I'am by no means a good- or great player. But, i try to help 

    Check your bag, there's a full set of Cleveland wedges to help become a good (maybe great) player.


    Lisa, that is mightily impressive generosity.

    You should be applauded   

    And if u want any help playing those wedges, come to me !!

    I will tell ya everything from 5 yards to 105 yards.

  • snowgoats
    61 Posts
    Tue, May 28 2013 5:35 AM

    Last week I gifted a couple of wedges to stranger because he was pretty good in our match, but he had starter wedges and he was frustrated.

    He never said thanks.

    Several months ago, I gifted a couple of wedges to my p in an Alt Shot match for the same reason. He did say thanks, but later, when I went to his profile to say, "your welcome, enjoy" I saw that our opponents in that match had posted a comment that said I was "a multi-accounting dirtbag and the he should try to get as much out of me as possible" or something to that effect.

    That comment is still on his wall.

    Mostly, I don't really care what complete strangers think about me, but the old adage, "No good deed goes unpunished" definitely has some truth to it.

    I'll still send gifts when the mood strikes me, but that mood happens less frequently than it used to.

  • onlymarsden2
    89 Posts
    Tue, May 28 2013 11:26 AM

    thank you so much! very kind of you. I will continue to pass it on. Some good folks here

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Tue, May 28 2013 12:36 PM


    Check your bag, there's a full set of Cleveland wedges to help become a good (maybe great) player.

    A very generous act, so you have my full respect, as does the OP. It is disappointing to read what Snowgoats encountered however I find most players very appreciate of any help I have given, whether it is a gift or advice, but I usually suss them out a little before gifting

  • DrSlick
    142 Posts
    Tue, May 28 2013 1:13 PM


    Thanks so much for the balls - I dont think I can use them tonight as we are heading to our son's baseball playoff game. 

    I will certainly let you know how I do with them. 

    Thanks again for your generosity!


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