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Level 79 Question

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Fri, May 31 2013 1:40 AM (5 replies)
  • TopFlite7
    351 Posts
    Thu, May 30 2013 4:35 PM

    I'm a Tour Pro and getting very close to level 79. People in my CC said to wait till that level to buy new clubs.

    Why question is why?

    Am I close to "going over the edge" to be a different category of player?

    And if so, do I stay with my driver and woods (hybrid also) and just get irons?


  • SamanthaWho
    3,403 Posts
    Thu, May 30 2013 4:52 PM

    Rocketbladez irons at L79 are excellent, then wait til L80 or 81 i believe it is for the G20 driver.

  • FBudd
    208 Posts
    Thu, May 30 2013 5:35 PM


    I'm a Tour Pro and getting very close to level 79. People in my CC said to wait till that level to buy new clubs.

    Why question is why?

    Am I close to "going over the edge" to be a different category of player?

    And if so, do I stay with my driver and woods (hybrid also) and just get irons?


    Your CC members may be referring to the fact that you are probably going to move up to Master sootner rather than later and will need better clubs, and that the better value for money ones will become available to you at LVL 79 and above? Only a guess.

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Thu, May 30 2013 6:12 PM


    I'm a Tour Pro and getting very close to level 79. People in my CC said to wait till that level to buy new clubs.

    Why question is why?

    Am I close to "going over the edge" to be a different category of player?

    And if so, do I stay with my driver and woods (hybrid also) and just get irons?


    The Bladez are very good clubs , and can take you to Tour Legend . Get rid of the hybrid , and get 3 wedges . If you go with the Bladez , get the Ping wedges:L 60 + 54w , L 41+ 56w , & L 42+ 60w . These will space you out 105 ,90 ,& 75 yards . A good 3 wood , is the G20 L 58+ , it will give you 235 avg. to start  , and the driver is sweet too . Then when you get there , you can upgrade to the 81+  driver as well . So if you upgrade accordingly , you will at least make it to Legend , before you need to make any more changes. Hope this helps .Happy Swinging


  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Fri, May 31 2013 12:58 AM

    Your driving accuracy needs to improve - it may well be near the root of any issues! As said above get a new driver as soon as you can that R9 meter speed (if one I am thinking of as could not see a L62 one in pro shop which  you have I think). Only you know if you can ding often enough! I found the L69 a great little driver - great distance and full of forgiveness.  The HL G20 was just worth it over it bit a great driver.

    Wedges as above or (if you want something that will last to and in to Legend the HL Cleves - 100, 80 and 60 yards would be ideal with the L79 Bladez.  Learn these wedges and remember the punch shot options to. I understand though (before my time) that the Satin wedges you have  have are very good anyway.  You may well be fine with just one of those level 40 something Pings to compliment what you have. Those Pings are super value and plenty good through to TM even Legend.....

    Iron's - The L79 Bladez are the second best scoring set on here, IF you are OK with the meter. If not either of the top two G20 sets are high trajectory great sets.......The HL version is fine for Legend also.................

    Hybrid - as above get rid of it asap and learn those wedges.  A 3 wood will punch etc - the hybrid is a waste of oxygen for this game much above hack at best! 

    With all the above done your distance to the pin should come way down...........



  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Fri, May 31 2013 1:40 AM

    Those who own the Z Satins might want to learn from the best:

    - Z Satin 64° / 50 yds (now ATV 64° lvl 39 (approx.))

    - Ping 60° lvl 42 / 75 yds

    - Cleveland 56° lvl 76 / 100 yds

    are in Bollox' bag.