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Wed, Jun 5 2013 4:12 PM (12 replies)
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  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 12:30 PM

    WGT let the game alone, let the clubs go what they say they will. Let the wind be what it says. If a player masters the game so be it, whats the worse that can happen low scores? We have that now, people getting bored and leaving ? We have that now

    Just let people have fun, the real fun will start when people try to see how low they can really go. The frustration will start when they don't ding the shot cause that will be the only thing they will have to gripe about.

    try just being honest with the players. What can it hurt.

    P.S. This includes the breaks on the greens  

  • Mushy01
    2,567 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 12:58 PM


  • riskplayer
    253 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 1:07 PM

    This is supposed to be a golf sim. In real golf the BEST players in the world miss 20+ percent of fairways, and 20+ percent of greens. You sometimes see them putt and it obviously goes opposite side as they thought break was. They have variance when they "ding" a shot. They don't call golf the most frustrating game for nothing. Pretty realistic sim in my opinion. I think WGT has it set about right. It gets boring when every shot you hit goes exactly where you think it should.

  • Mushy01
    2,567 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 1:53 PM


    This is supposed to be a golf sim. In real golf the BEST players in the world miss 20+ percent of fairways, and 20+ percent of greens. You sometimes see them putt and it obviously goes opposite side as they thought break was. They have variance when they "ding" a shot. They don't call golf the most frustrating game for nothing. Pretty realistic sim in my opinion. I think WGT has it set about right. It gets boring when every shot you hit goes exactly where you think it should.

    Then why not give the player the option of playing the free game version or the realistic simulator version? would save all this grief its bringing.


  • MrMonavie
    4 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 2:08 PM

    Hey WGT

     I spend a lot of money here, i even watch the increased advertising.

    I dont quit games. I have, but only because of some idiot.

    I have left the screen to come back and it wont let i guess i quit???

    I knew wgt was too good to be true.

    i guess i will keep my money and not give it to wgt

    its a shame they ruined a good sad

    I may be bck in 6 months if they change management. so long...............

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 2:27 PM


    This is supposed to be a golf sim. In real golf the BEST players in the world miss 20+ percent of fairways, and 20+ percent of greens. You sometimes see them putt and it obviously goes opposite side as they thought break was. They have variance when they "ding" a shot. They don't call golf the most frustrating game for nothing. Pretty realistic sim in my opinion. I think WGT has it set about right. It gets boring when every shot you hit goes exactly where you think it should.

    To a point , I agree . However let me make the mistakes , and not the game . When I hit a good shot , let me have the results of hitting a good shot .And when I hit a bad shot , give me those results as well . Dont let the game decide for me , which of the shots that I`m going to get .It is very evident that the VEM application is not being fairly applied to all players . If it were , players would not be shooting these low scores .Also , the wind meter needs to be correct as shown . If it shows wind , then we should have wind .When the game alters my shots , thats not fair . When I have the clubs to reach a par 5 in 2 , and cant because of the game and not me , tell me how that is fair . I think that all most of the players want , is what they truly are playing for . To play the game unhindered and to have fun as well .Is that too much to ask for ? My nickle . Happy Swinging


  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 2:35 PM

    Oh for goodness sake. I have my issues and what nots. It is a game, a game designed to make a bunch of money. It is doing so and we have something to play and complain about. Play the game for what it is and do what I have done. Take a break once in awhile, come back enjoy your friends and have a few laughs. Do we really have to be so cranky all the time. I told my wife of 43 years if she yells at me again I will pack a small bag, leave, and leave her with it all. That includes the bills, all the junk we have accumulated over the years and the burden of splitting it up between the kids. I am at a point in my life where if it isn't enjoyable, I don't need it. Get a grip, we all signed up for whatever the game offers. If you get +issed off take a break.

  • Mushy01
    2,567 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 2:41 PM


    Oh for goodness sake. I have my issues and what nots. It is a game, a game designed to make a bunch of money. It is doing so and we have something to play and complain about. Play the game for what it is and do what I have done. Take a break once in awhile, come back enjoy your friends and have a few laughs. Do we really have to be so cranky all the time. I told my wife of 43 years if she yells at me again I will pack a small bag, leave, and leave her with it all. That includes the bills, all the junk we have accumulated over the years and the burden of splitting it up between the kids. I am at a point in my life where if it isn't enjoyable, I don't need it. Get a grip, we all signed up for whatever the game offers. If you get +issed off take a break.


    Make sure to leave your good lady the PC and your log-in to WGT, and let her  feel the hurt.  lmao


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 3:23 PM

    To a point , I agree

    Likewise but I tend to favour Riskplayer's summation.

    Yes it is jus a game, and yes players still shoot brilliant scores that cannot be matched in real life by anyone.

    I agree with you Lonnie, that a good shoot should be accepted as such by the program, but we do need some deviation, without it any it becomes a pure calculation exercise and would become boring very quickly. Therefore I have no grudge about the wind meter, as many facets influence wind effects, such as the topography and tree shelters etc. Anyone who plays golf can only gauge the wind by what they feel at the tee/fairway and there may be several variances in the wind effect over the distance of the shot and certainly do not have a meter or a wind speed, and is done by feel.

    Again a dinged shot should do pretty much what you expect and as long as "VEM manipulated" shots do not defy the laws of physics I don't have too many issues with it.

    Having said that, for players (and this does not affect me) playing for credits the manipulation can then determine the outcome, rather than being a "game of skill" as promoted. This is IMO wrong. For ordinary games and tournaments, "provided" VEM is evenly across the board (effecting all players equally), then I am happy enough with it.

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 3:24 PM

    I wouldn't put her through the pain.

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