lonniescott711:To a point , I agree
Likewise but I tend to favour Riskplayer's summation.
Yes it is jus a game, and yes players still shoot brilliant scores that cannot be matched in real life by anyone.
I agree with you Lonnie, that a good shoot should be accepted as such by the program, but we do need some deviation, without it any it becomes a pure calculation exercise and would become boring very quickly. Therefore I have no grudge about the wind meter, as many facets influence wind effects, such as the topography and tree shelters etc. Anyone who plays golf can only gauge the wind by what they feel at the tee/fairway and there may be several variances in the wind effect over the distance of the shot and certainly do not have a meter or a wind speed, and is done by feel.
Again a dinged shot should do pretty much what you expect and as long as "VEM manipulated" shots do not defy the laws of physics I don't have too many issues with it.
Having said that, for players (and this does not affect me) playing for credits the manipulation can then determine the outcome, rather than being a "game of skill" as promoted. This is IMO wrong. For ordinary games and tournaments, "provided" VEM is evenly across the board (effecting all players equally), then I am happy enough with it.