I have to ask because having just achieved legend, I was harangued by fellow CC members to get the R11's, so I did, but, I had only just got the RockectBlades a few months earlier becuase I was so far from Level 90 at the time, and I couldn't wait for decent clubs.
Now I have just as in real life, two sets of clubs, but one of them I will never use, and I am not buying a second bag to stick them in, I just don't see the point.
To sell them back for nothing moe than the cost of a sleeve of balls seems criminal to me, and if WGT think it makes good business sense then may I inform you, that if I had the option to give my Bladez to someone else for free, then I would very likely gift them 3 or 4 sleeves of balls as well, just to help them out.
One mustn't forget how WGTPizza ( where is he now ? ) applauded ore gernerosity in gifting prior to Christmas and even WGT made a news item about it.
Well, Wgt, how about returning the favour and allow us to gift our old secondhand redundant clubs to a deserving friend.
When people like you and me get to level 90 and above there is no requirement to have 2 sets of clubs, and we have the ability in terms of credits and skill to be generous to our fellow members, but a 25% kickback for our old clubs jusr doesn't seem right to me.