Hi MByrd,
You have a lot to learn about this game, it doesnt happen in 2 weeks. I have been here 2+ years and am still enjoying it, and still learning - I'm not really that good to be honest, but I try hard lol.
A lot of players have made Master using the pro clubs, so its not impossible.
My tip for you, take your time, dont be in any rush to get to Master - learn the basics. You will be able to drive reasonably well, however like the real thing its the short game and putting thats important. It will save those pars when you have been in a difficult situ and thats the key.
Try and take advantage of the birdie holes and hang tough on the more difficult ones.
Dont be discouraged, it can be very frustrating at times - stick with it, it'll pay off.
Now - get off to the practice fairways and start practicing.
Good Luck, and have fun.