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Who's your caddie?

Sun, Jun 9 2013 6:36 PM (14 replies)
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  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Sun, Jun 9 2013 6:17 AM

    Actually I would like an option to turn the caddy off .Since we all pick which clubs we are going to play any how , I find it to be an unneeded function , in the game . So instead of buying a caddy avatar , can we have the option too turn this function off ? Happy Swinging

  • bubbadork
    984 Posts
    Sun, Jun 9 2013 7:45 AM

    The only change I really advocate for is mulligans. However, I think the game should not pre-select the club or the putting scale. If the player fails to make an overt selection, he or she just gets a whiff, as in not clicking.

  • MichaelStroke
    2,066 Posts
    Sun, Jun 9 2013 4:09 PM

    Does the Mexican caddie cost fewer credits?

  • PRStevenson
    842 Posts
    Sun, Jun 9 2013 6:23 PM


    Actually I would like an option to turn the caddy off .Since we all pick which clubs we are going to play any how , I find it to be an unneeded function , in the game . So instead of buying a caddy avatar , can we have the option too turn this function off ? Happy Swinging

    Wouldn't that be a redundant feature? I mean if you're going to choose your own clubs and play your own shots anyway then it doesn't make any difference whether the auto virtual caddie is on or not.

  • PRStevenson
    842 Posts
    Sun, Jun 9 2013 6:36 PM

    Just to be clear this thread is NOT about the current auto virtual caddie that pre-selects your clubs for you.

    It's about introducing virtual caddie's to the Pro Shop that wouldn't serve any additional practical purpose (like the golf bags available from the accessories section) but would be a product players could buy for fun.

    In the same way players spend CR on changing the look of the avatar doesn't change the game but players do it for the visual appeal.

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