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Legends Merion Challenge

Mon, Jun 10 2013 9:52 PM (27 replies)
  • Wontonamo
    2,269 Posts
    Sat, Jun 8 2013 1:43 AM

    im confused as to why this is a 2 round tournament.

    This free tournament is a week-long challenge with an unlimited-play qualifier round from 6/3-6/7, and the top 50% advancing to a single-play championship round, 6/8-6/9.

    as far as i can see , people who have qualified will play one single play round. i was under the impression that round 1 scores would not count,  as it was the qualifying round. now i see it is a 2 round tourney, with both scores together.

    am i wrong in assuming that round 1 scores wouldnt count? or is it clear in that message that both rounds would be counted?


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, Jun 8 2013 1:52 AM

    The description in the tournaments section reads like this:

    This free tournament is a week-long challenge with an unlimited-play qualifier round from 6/3-6/7, and the top 50% advancing to a single-play championship round, 6/8-6/9. The top players in each tier will earn double WGT Credits.
    and there are no further tournament rules.

    Like you, I'd interpret the underlined (by me) such that only this one would count towards the prizes.

    OTOH, who would sue the company for that?

  • Penners
    1,707 Posts
    Sat, Jun 8 2013 1:53 AM

    I wrote something in my CC forum before R2 started, purely because I wanted to know if it was worth grinding the first 18 or not to go lower after making the cut - should have asked the question here.

    To me the brief rules summary (the detailed rules page was blank whenever I visited it), suggested the scores would count for the final round only "single-play championship round"... But we've seen similar before from WGT, when all 36 holes counted, hence my question.

    Looking at the leaderboard now with R2 is up and running it looks certain both rounds will count, which I think is a shame and misleading... For the record, 4 shots already behind, I had a nightmare in the first 6 holes where nothing went right and WD. Pretty poor effort, but there you go...

    Anyway, good luck for those left to play.

  • Wontonamo
    2,269 Posts
    Sat, Jun 8 2013 1:58 AM

    yea i thought exactly the same Penners - seems we all misinpetreted that! like urself i didnt grind it out and played 2 rounds to qualify. so hence the confusion lol.


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, Jun 8 2013 1:59 AM

    I gave up in the first round - Merion ain't my friend until now and UELs hit me badly :(

    Nevertheless, the idea is nice, and an extraordinary tournament is a welcome breeze between all the "normal" things. Not to forget the payout for the skillful, brave & lucky ones!

    Well done WGT!

  • Penners
    1,707 Posts
    Sat, Jun 8 2013 2:12 AM

    Yeah, and Alosso wrote pretty much exactly the same as me, so I'm sure we're not the only ones to be caught out... as I said though, we've seen similar wordings from WGT before, only for all 36 holes to count, so I'm not surprised in the slightest!

    Part of me is glad I didn't get on the grind, because I'm not sure I'd be typing on this laptop now if I did! ;-) I enjoy UEL, but it can be so frustrating. One little mistake (or meter) can hurt you dearly...

  • devonnnnn
    1,085 Posts
    Sat, Jun 8 2013 2:20 AM

    heavy winds for round 2..hold on to your hats..

  • borntobesting
    9,779 Posts
    Sat, Jun 8 2013 2:26 AM

    So far every time they have hada tourney like this all rounds counted.


    heavy winds for round 2..hold on to your hats..

    Except for 2 or 3 holes most of the winds were more like moderate.
  • DAZZA501
    5,972 Posts
    Sat, Jun 8 2013 5:59 AM

    Just finished round 2 and i must say i thoroughly enjoyed playing it. I only played the 1st round once and managed a decent 62 but i putted well. 69 in the 2nd round was tough. 3 birdies and a horrible double bogey on 15. Scores felt more true to life with a -8 & -1.

    I hope we see plenty more tournaments like this on all the courses we have here and they become more regular. I'd like to see 4 round tournaments with none of them being unlimited.

    Some will say the uneven lies are a bit severe with what way the ball go's but if it brings the scores up then that can't be a bad thing.

  • KonradOse
    221 Posts
    Sat, Jun 8 2013 6:21 AM

    I agree. Much more enjoyable scoring.

    Not so sure about the 50% cut for a Tour Legend tourney with 62 entrants (who posted a round)  though.
