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Legends Merion Challenge

Mon, Jun 10 2013 9:52 PM (27 replies)
  • Hoangvn10
    162 Posts
    Sat, Jun 8 2013 6:52 AM

    Enjoyed it. Shooting 140 in 2 round but very fun... Gr8 job WGT, cheers................

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Sat, Jun 8 2013 8:26 AM

    Some will say the uneven lies are a bit severe with what way the ball go's but if it brings the scores up then that can't be a bad thing.

    Doubt its any good  when on Merion 7 when you have to use your wood to find a  decent lie, and even then you have to aim right of bunker to get near the green, or on 12 where although you have a nice fairway but moderate dots you have to aim at left side of green and 180 iron only travels 140 yards. The severity of lies doesn't match the fairway your striking from, fair enough if you were in rough, maybe have to aim way off the pin, but a lovely cut fairway??/  And having to use 25 yard pitch shot just to get on green from 10 yards is a bit over the top.  Chip[ shots are useless with the current uneven lies, they dont travel more than 3 yards! The only way scores are lifted because the game's disjointed because Its impossible to work out a shot if you have 17 mph wind and fast moving dots you just hit & hope.  Take my approach on 5, 18 mph right to left wind, right to left lie, i aimed as far right as i could on the screen yet ball still flew off the green left.  although i was -6 at the 13th, i withdrew after my 135 iron went into bunker behind green in 17 mph HEADWIND.  saved replay for my own amusement. (By the way, Merion 13 is either 130 yards, not 134, or there's a downslope which is not indicated)

    Yes, uneven lies might be a good format for one tournament now and again, but they still need a lot of work smoothing out or softening up, especially short game.  Do any one from WGT actually play these uneven lies???  You can tell by the $5 Cabo ready go what most players think about uneven lies & the poor turn out in this tournament.  Only a handful of players actually play them  (although they've grown a bit on me, I still think there's a lot of work to be done)


  • ColumbusStorm
    3,418 Posts
    Sat, Jun 8 2013 8:57 AM

    The description of the tournament was not clear, but when seeing the tournament set up as a single multiround tournament, figured both rounds were going to count.

    The cut seems weird, always assumed ties on the cut line would advance, but looking at the full leaderboard, only half of the 63's made the cut. Good thing I played again last night to lower my previous 63 to a 62.

    Sure hope WGT continues these UEL tournaments. Knowing you are going to get a few wtf shots makes it exciting. And painful

  • bhoese
    679 Posts
    Sat, Jun 8 2013 11:14 AM

    I got fooled by the description too.  I'm not too mad because a friend tipped me off to the leaderboard format, which showed both rounds where the VUSOQ only shows one.  I had 3 hours to post a better score but got too restart-happy.  When I finally finished a better round it was a minute too late.

    Some very explicit wording would be helpful.  "all rounds count toward total" or something like that.

    Still, it was a lot of fun and I hope to see more long-format tourneys on both UEL and flats.

    749 Posts
    Sat, Jun 8 2013 3:06 PM

    I was enjoying it until my Quadruple Bogey on #7

    You have got to do something with the bunkers .......... 9yds to pin. 40/50% uphill ....... smashed  60 yd wedge full  & the ball travelled 1yd !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    after that i could not give a chit & when i had another shot Boomarang out behind me that just about finished me off.............. i am all for this type of play but please get the bunker shots soughted........ ,

  • tiffer67
    1,764 Posts
    Sat, Jun 8 2013 3:32 PM


    Some will say the uneven lies are a bit severe with what way the ball go's but if it brings the scores up then that can't be a bad thing.

    If raising the scores is the aim there are a lot easier ways of doing that than persisting with the UL format in its current mode.

    Fair play to those regulars that enjoy the UL tourneys but for me it has a long way to go in development to become an enjoyable and functional alternative to the standard game.


  • Wontonamo
    2,269 Posts
    Sat, Jun 8 2013 4:41 PM

    well that was fun! scored 7 birds and thought i was doing ok for a while there - no bogeys yet. then i come to the 15th hole lol. 10 shots later im shot! 18mph tailwind, drove it to 62y, punched up against a vicious lie and didnt make the green. 4 putts and pitches later i finished the hole lol. anyways was a fun round apart from that hole, hope we have more of these and possibly clearer conditions set out for these tourneys.

  • duffer19
    3,670 Posts
    Sat, Jun 8 2013 6:31 PM

    I didn't do well either, but I honestly enjoyed every shot I had to make!  Keep em coming.

    i'd like to see a weekly 2 rounder of the same format.

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Sat, Jun 8 2013 6:46 PM


    I was enjoying it until my Quadruple Bogey on #7

    You have got to do something with the bunkers .......... 9yds to pin. 40/50% uphill ....... smashed  60 yd wedge full  & the ball travelled 1yd !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    after that i could not give a chit & when i had another shot Boomarang out behind me that just about finished me off.............. i am all for this type of play but please get the bunker shots soughted........ ,

    With a severe uphill lies in bunkers, you have to hit punch wedges not full wedges. The full wedge already has a lot of loft then you add the uphill lie to the amount of loft and you can end up hitting the ball over your head backwards.