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Mid-round games

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Mon, Jun 10 2013 11:48 PM (8 replies)
  • looselugnutz
    1,592 Posts
    Mon, Jun 10 2013 3:03 AM

    I know I've asked for something of this nature before, but I've no idea if it's come up in another discussion due to the limited nature of searches. If it has and has been answered, my deepest apologies for rearing this creature's ugly head again.

    If I'm playing a tourney game and need to stop and save it, for whatever reason, is there any way to play a few holes upon return -- minutes, hours, or even days later -- without returning to the game first? I've had occasion where I need to stop play but wish to return later, but I have to return to that game immediately, with no 'warm up.'

    A direct question to WGT moderating staff:  Is something like this being discussed for a future release or am I just whistlng 'Dixie'?

    Thanks for your time in responding.


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, Jun 10 2013 3:18 AM

    1) Thou shalt not have options in this game.

    Furtheron, any deviation to a warm-up might also lead to practicing the next hole or shot in question which would be unfair in many eyes (include me).

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Mon, Jun 10 2013 10:38 AM

    lead to practicing the next hole or shot in question which would be unfair


    +1  - Very good point Alosso.

  • looselugnutz
    1,592 Posts
    Mon, Jun 10 2013 10:47 AM

    Agreed. Hadn't thought of that.

    Would make it inherent on WGT to give the option prior to restarting said game, then give you the warm-up course of their choosing. Something I don't see happening, sadly.

    I was just looking at those times when life throws us curveballs after we've begun a one-and-done round. Thanks for the input.

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Mon, Jun 10 2013 11:15 AM

    option prior to restarting said game, then give you the warm-up course of their choosing

     I suppose, one could just play the game as a guest for a warm-up.

  • fairground11
    1,211 Posts
    Mon, Jun 10 2013 11:31 AM


    option prior to restarting said game, then give you the warm-up course of their choosing

     I suppose, one could just play the game as a guest for a warm-up.

    the problem with that is you can only play with the ez swing clubs as a guest i think 

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Mon, Jun 10 2013 11:53 AM

    ez swing clubs as a guest i think 


    Starter clubs and ball.... but still good enough for a warm-up. Your regular equipment would feel so much slower after a quick couple of holes.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, Jun 10 2013 2:29 PM

    Would make it inherent on WGT to give the option prior to restarting said game, then give you the warm-up course of their choosing. Something I don't see happening, sadly.

    Rule 1) as stated above has yet to be overcome.

  • looselugnutz
    1,592 Posts
    Mon, Jun 10 2013 11:48 PM

    I just want to say that I appreciate all of your feedback and insight.  Was hoping to get a response from a WGT moderator on this issue, but I'll take what I can get.  Thanks, guys.

    Happy golfing.