Shades of things to come in the VUSOpen?
High winds and Champ greens..tough stuff on that course!
MBaggese: Shades of things to come in the VUSOpen? High winds and Champ greens..tough stuff on that course!
Wheeeeee .... !
short tees though
duffer19:short tees though
Not for the TL's. Black tee's for us.
Ye holla on ye snippit off tha lippe. Ye lads gonne jimme ho down de street!!
DAZZA501: duffer19:short tees though Not for the TL's. Black tee's for us.
my bad - hadn't thought it was different - sorry
I dont get why the nation tourny has same set-up as the qualifier..
It has not, Legends from orange tees, very relaxing but no guarantee for a good score here.
TL's got Heavy Wind and Champ greens too.
is there any way to know where the 50% cut actually is? Now the leaderboard only displays top 250 entrants for Legends which are clearly not all...