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Somptin Wong

Fri, Jun 14 2013 6:05 PM (12 replies)
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  • Geahry1
    525 Posts
    Tue, Jun 11 2013 10:01 AM

    Yesterday I had 333 credits so I played Match Challenge.Well I am a tour master so when i picked my game i come upon this Pro level 68.Well he make a offer of 450 credits and Im thinkin this guy is nuts or he is a Sandbagger.So i told him 333 credits is all i got so he makes the game.Well we start to Plat and i see he has level 68 equipment ok fine.But I watched his game and on the second shots he was killing the pin.So i call him out for being a sandbagger.And I told him he prob has 2 accounts.Well he puts lol and lmao.Anyway Somptin Wong wit this criteria.He had to of been Legends status and had two accounts and i sucking up credits.I dunno

  • justacowboy
    1,338 Posts
    Tue, Jun 11 2013 10:16 AM

    if you cant handle the heat ......don't play for credits

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Tue, Jun 11 2013 10:23 AM


    And don't gamble for more than you can afford to lose.

  • Johndee489
    88 Posts
    Tue, Jun 11 2013 2:26 PM

    Seems like you wanted to pick on a lower tier/leveled player and it back fired. 


    Just saying.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Tue, Jun 11 2013 2:50 PM

    Actually I feel a bit sorry for you, as you seem like a nice guy, you may have some crazy ideas from time to time, but always well meaning.

    Having said that, these are shark infested waters and you should know that by now so never gamble more than you can afford to lose and secondly play tier level/tier specific  games for credits. Looks like you thought it was easy pickings so took him on and got burned, but look at the bright side, you will have helped hin tier up.

  • drmoose
    3,547 Posts
    Wed, Jun 12 2013 7:59 AM

    Somptin Wong

    I Ihink I played his brother, Nuttin' Wong, then after reading your story I heard Somptin' Else say that two Wongs can make a write.

    Doc :)

  • rjteeithi
    686 Posts
    Wed, Jun 12 2013 1:59 PM

    Was playing several MPC games yesterday, and was on quite a roll.I always check the stats before I hit play to make sure Imm in the same league, and this HACK shows up with a 5 game or so record, and jumps on the 100cr game as fast as he could....Obviously a multi accounter, I started asking him how he liked the game, and he came right out and told me he started over after being a legend.I told him I was pretty sure that was the case going in..Asked him if he was worried He would get caught and he laughed it off....After I got 3 up on him, and his rag equipment he told be I was picking on hacks....I told him his secret was safe with me, and his credits were just as green as a legends

  • Geahry1
    525 Posts
    Wed, Jun 12 2013 4:40 PM

    For all u that commented tks for your comments.But one thing If the guy was a tour legend and he hit the Pin and kicked my butt from here to China i would be K wit that but dont make 2 accounts and sandbag.:)

  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Wed, Jun 12 2013 5:21 PM


    For all u that commented tks for your comments.But one thing If the guy was a tour legend and he hit the Pin and kicked my butt from here to China i would be K wit that but dont make 2 accounts and sandbag.:)

    SO sad.........You should have known better right ? This sort of thing has been going on here on this site since day 1. Nothing new to read here but sorry it happened to you.

  • mara43
    1,674 Posts
    Wed, Jun 12 2013 5:36 PM


    Somptin Wong

    I Ihink I played his brother, Nuttin' Wong, then after reading your story I heard Somptin' Else say that two Wongs can make a write.

    Doc :)

    woallin' awound da flwoor luwaffin'......



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