Hi Kelsey , I did some checking and it turns out that both you and courteney are correct, I think the confusion over this was my own fault, what I thought would happen if I applied to join two or three clubs was this, the respective clubs would contact me in order to both vet me and give me some insight as to their expectations of members, and club activities, What actually happened is that two of the clubs did not reply to me at all, and the third just made me a member without any further communication at all.
After thinking about this I can see what the problem was , instead of looking at the clubs and personally contacting the founders to express an interest, I just Pushed the button to apply to join , and unfortunately this one club excepted without question.
Upon realizing this, I immediately resigned the club, leaving a message on the founders wall to explain the situation an apologise.
However, I have now successfully joined a club so there should be no further issues regarding this matter and I again apologise for the misunderstanding.