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A scolding...WGT administrators, please do something

Thu, Sep 5 2013 10:36 AM (30 replies)
  • IvaThongon
    933 Posts
    Tue, Jun 11 2013 9:06 PM

    I'm a little upset by something I'm seeing here. Just doing a little WGT creepin'...I'm sad to say we have some people here that just need to grow up. 

    We have a current money leader for the month. He was the winner of the Pebble Beach thing. I'd like to congratulate him on his good fortune. 

    Sadly, some people here seem to just be ignorant donkeys, and instead of giving congratulations or just shutting up, they felt the need to accuse, or criticize, or just act like morons on his wall. Very sad, when instead of enjoying the thrill of winning something, the poor guy has to post something like this to keep idiots away:

    So, congratulations zcroberts, I'm sure you will have a great time and come away with wonderful memories.

    To the administrators of WGT, I think the badmouthers on his wall all deserve a time out at the very minimum. If people can't say something nice and they can't shut up, perhaps WGT should shut them up for a few months. Why anyone should have to put up with that is ridiculous. Win a prize, have to defend absolutely stupid is that?

    Furthermore, if you actually want to make a simple change to WGT that can be implemented right now with zero programming, I have one for you. All these internet tough guys and bullies who love to spout off at people, why on earth do you give them the ability to pull their post down? If something is put on MY wall, if I care to remove it, that is my perogative. However, if someone chooses to put something on MY wall that is, say, derogatory, discriminatory, against the terms and conditions of WGT...why on earth would you let them be able to remove that? They brought their own rope, let them hang themselves with it.

    Vent over, have a nice evening.

  • Steven1163
    2,912 Posts
    Tue, Jun 11 2013 9:34 PM

    Very well said.....very well said....

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Tue, Jun 11 2013 10:14 PM

    I agree completely. They say that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but some people on here don't even have that.

  • duffer19
    3,670 Posts
    Tue, Jun 11 2013 10:25 PM

    While I like the wall, it causes more trouble than good on the whole most likely.

    do we really need it?  

    Congratulations to you mister, you're going to have a great time

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Tue, Jun 11 2013 10:43 PM

    We should be able to moderate what is posted on "OUR" wall. Sure the poster can read what they wrote but we should have control who else we let read it. JMO


    Oh yeah, congratulations zcroberts on winning the trip.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Tue, Jun 11 2013 11:08 PM

    You have the control - leave it there or delete it.

    I also assent to the current delete option for the author. He should be allowed to modify or remove his utterings at his will. No harm to the profile owner IMHO.

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Tue, Jun 11 2013 11:28 PM


    You have the control - leave it there or delete it.

    I was thinking that no one should be able to read it until you had the opportunity read it for the first time.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Tue, Jun 11 2013 11:36 PM

    Ah - you mentioned moderation. That's a good idea.

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Wed, Jun 12 2013 12:52 AM

    We have a current money leader for the month. He was the winner of the Pebble Beach thing. I'd like to congratulate him on his good fortune. 

    Yeah, WD mate n1....and all the ppl who accused him of cheating are obviously lacking in the common sense dept at they thought he won all those credits / earnings and still be a master is beyond me, that would be some RG wins without getting moved up !! :))


  • borntobesting
    9,788 Posts
    Wed, Jun 12 2013 1:37 AM

    To the administrators of WGT, I think the badmouthers on his wall all deserve a time out at the very minimum. I

    I do too Iva but they have to know about them before they can do anything. If any of us see a wall post like these we should copy it and send to WGT so they will see it. It is a virtual impossibility for WGT to read every wall post so it is up to us to do our part.


    And congrats to Zcroberts for winning the drawing.