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Thu, Jan 17 2019 11:11 AM (41 replies)
  • tommmytears
    5 Posts
    Wed, Jun 12 2013 10:22 AM

    Hi has anybody had any trouble with receiving credits . I recommend contacting the police fraud squad as they are giving out all your details to 3rd party companies .and then tell you they do not  have you in there system and don't part with the credits promised . I have done about 20 or 30 offers and have not received the credits no matter what proof I give . Its a total SCAM and WGT should be doing much more to support their members . Since singing  up for these offers I have been bombarded with spam mail from 3rd party's... SO come on people stand up and be counted demand something be done about this problem............Tommmytears

  • Rockitch
    1,022 Posts
    Wed, Jun 12 2013 11:46 AM

    You are completely right, but being right and getting it your way are two different things. You have no idea of how many people vented similar things. WGT is not known for listening to or standing by their customers. Just a fact you have to live with if you like to play the game.

    As a form of protest you could play the free ball only for a very long I do and promote:

    Playing the free ball doesn't take anything away of the fun, believe me.



  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Wed, Jun 12 2013 12:27 PM

    completed an offer yesterday with GoDaddy, purchase a domain name for $5, and get 2700 stated immediate confirmation as well.

    24 hrs later no credits, lucky l paid via paypa not my card but all l've had from trialplay and godaddy is 8ullshit.

    l will take out a dispute with paypal, WGT please sort this rubbish out....pretty please!!

    **update** l did receive my credits 4 days after and lt take a lot of e-mail sending!

  • borntobesting
    9,747 Posts
    Wed, Jun 12 2013 12:49 PM


    completed an offer yesterday with GoDaddy, purchase a domain name for $5, and get 2700 stated immediate confirmation as well.

    24 hrs later no credits, lucky l paid via paypa not my card but all l've had from trialplay and godaddy is 8ullshit.

    l will take out a dispute with paypal, WGT please sort this rubbish out....pretty please!!

    Go to the trialpay page a click on the support button and  find the GoDaddy offer and  send them an e-mail about it. Send them copies of any confirmation e-mails that you got from GoDaddy. You should get your credits after Trial Pay checks your account. But remember sometimes Paypal is a little slower than using a credit or debit card. If you Paypal account is linked to your bank account at times the bank has to transfer the funds to your Paypal account and this can take 2 or 3 days. And some companies don't  send confirmation until the Paypal payment has cleared your bank.

  • jld51
    406 Posts
    Wed, Jun 12 2013 1:11 PM

    GoDaddy, purchase a domain name for $5

    after tax it quotes. caught  me out

  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Wed, Jun 12 2013 2:16 PM

    was actually $9 so i think that qualifies


  • vincent59
    60 Posts
    Wed, Jun 12 2013 4:04 PM

    i'm owed 650 credits for surveys contacted wgt still no credits this is how i get my balls or clubs 

  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Thu, Jun 13 2013 10:36 PM

    l love playing with free ball, you can be a bit more adventureous too, for example shots over water, not caring if they go 'plop'


    You are completely right, but being right and getting it your way are two different things. You have no idea of how many people vented similar things. WGT is not known for listening to or standing by their customers. Just a fact you have to live with if you like to play the game.

    As a form of protest you could play the free ball only for a very long I do and promote:

    Playing the free ball doesn't take anything away of the fun, believe me.



  • VirtualGareth
    94 Posts
    Tue, Jun 18 2013 1:43 AM

    I have found it to be pretty hit and miss. I have done dozens of offers ..... sometimes I get the credits ..... other times I dont!

    I have tried chasing the "support" are and again, sometimes that works and sometimes it does not!

    At this stage, I just steer clear. You always get the credits for watching videos, so I do that every day and build up my small credit balance that way!

  • Gordo54
    3 Posts
    Fri, Jun 28 2013 4:53 AM

    I agree its B.S.  Never get credits always some reason to turn you down after you have given all your information. Does anyone know where you can report this abuse.  I was going to try local police department.