I'm an avid player of this game, I like it!
Did not see a section for modifications to the game so I'm posting it here :)
...was wondering how much fun would it be if the developers of the game would *reuse their logic and change the ball into a little golf cart! (we'll leave ferraris for later), that race from the tee until the hole (whomever touches the poles goes in and wins the game :) ... Multi-player simoultaneously it's probably not easy to implement but best times would still be cool! a side game to take a break or even for fun! i think it would be awesome...
Also, maybe someone already said it (i'll look!): keyboard mappings? (i play other games and i find myself typing WASD thinking is going to do something lol); the space bar seems to look backwards (how about if other keys would change clubs, open chat, clicks the bar for shots, etc)
Ok, done! thanks for the game!! it rocks
*the ball image can be a cart, ball has same rules for green (it only rolls or jumps a little :D) ; the speed is used by the power of the bar, using keboard to navigate would be better but clicking on the map (trajectory) can be used for guidance, view would need to be constant unless only a few more snaps are added in the maps to use for every section.... if you implement it, i'd love to help! lol