I appologize for my Posts.God Bless all.Hope to see ya on the course.
Great move mate.
Straight shots and a clear mind here to you!
Takes a big man to do that. Enjoy your game mate:)
Well done mate, hit me up for a game one day, I may be good or probably bad but I always enjoy it, regardless of score.
I thought you'd gone?
alosso: Great move mate. Straight shots and a clear mind here to you!
Thanks Bro I just love Golf.And I hope I can hit straight shots cause my tee shots have been like Bannana Balls like real life Golf lol.....God BLess alosso
Jimbog1964: Takes a big man to do that. Enjoy your game mate:)
Thanks Jimbog and the same to you.Enjoy your WGT Journey.Good Bless Bro.
alanti: Well done mate, hit me up for a game one day, I may be good or probably bad but I always enjoy it, regardless of score.
ARE YOU SURE alanti.Cause they call me the Recovery Man.Cause I am mostly in the Hazards pretty much all the time lol.....And you the same hit me up.
Round offer to Sir.........If you were to consider adding me to your friends glad to accept and you never know even I might impart something:)
Geahry1:I appologize for my Posts
Never do that...
Say what you mean and mean what you say.